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Everything posted by 1kinko

  1. Also in the MFA.
  2. 1kinko

    Moon tsuba

    Here’s the best part, the back.
  3. 1kinko

    Moon tsuba

    More geese flying at night and a haiku on the back.
  4. 1kinko

    Just a quick FYI

    Roman Urban is apparently accepting tosogu for restoration, both iron and kinko. Visit his site and see what he can do.
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  5. 1kinko

    Trying Again

    Thanks Steve!
  6. 1kinko

    Trying Again

    Hagi for #1 I think. For some reason I can’t remember “bush clover”. # 2, chrysanthemum on far right, but still searching for the “star flower”. #3, wood or charcoal. Deserves more research. #2&3 from Bob Benson.#1 from John Kurata. I had a very good day once again. Then drove down to Carmel and Big Sur. The flight from Virginia had my doubting the SF show, but I’ve always done well there, so I’ll be back until I can’t make it up the stairs. Thanks for the input- NMB is the best too!
  7. 1kinko

    Trying Again

    3) are these bundles of wood, rice stalks, or something else?
  8. 1kinko

    Trying Again

    2) what are the plants on the right?
  9. 1kinko

    Trying Again

    I finally got my latest acquisitions boxed. But I have questions about all 3. 1) what is this plant?
  10. Markus just sent out a notice that he will be selling his 10 years of articles on swords and tosogu in bound form. Good deals.
  11. The last one, until I find another! Thanks to all you with the ability to not just read kanji, but to read carved kanji. I'm in awe.
  12. An orphan and then 1 more orphan.
  13. Thank you sir!
  14. Only 1 remaining after this. Silver fuchi/kashira/kojira.
  15. Again, thank you. Unfortunately, it’s an orphan. I can’t my hands on it right now, but I’ll post it asap.
  16. Interesting, at least the only one I gave any information on (via Sesko) was a woman, and a very fine craver. Hanshan and Shude. Thank you very much- I wish I had met you in SF.
  17. OK, here it is, vertical.
  18. My only complaint about the SF sword show is there was no list of NMB attendees and there were quite a few I would have liked to have met. I only found out about them from Brian’s post-meeting post. Let’s get this together for next years meeting. In fact, how about a list at every meeting?
  19. Oops! I nearly always use my iPhone. Only 2 left and I will show them vertically.
  20. Against a slashing weapon a hand guard is a must. Even if deflected by the blade, the slash can continue until it is stopped- either by the guard or your hand.
  21. I considered ordering kanji flash cards from Grey but he says they were selected to apply to swords and I’m a fittings guy.
  22. Bummer. A most interesting man with a lot of great stories and varied interests.
  23. You might try the Antique Japanese Polearms FB group.
  24. Great Ed- it would take me about a week to make a fine utsushi of this, but I don’t work for that low a salary. Expect inquiries from China. What did PT Barnum say?
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