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masakatsu last won the day on January 16 2021

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    Fittings; especially Yokoya Somin or Ichinomiya Nagatsune influenced craftsman.

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    Matt B

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  1. Thank you Dirk. I bid on it but someone sniped it at the end...
  2. Yes, I'm aware of this work and like it quite a bit. Thank you for the link.
  3. Hello all, I am building a Natsuo Taikan set and am in need of the Glossy picture book and the Nagatsune sketchbook. Please contact me if you have any leads. Thanks in advance, Matt
  4. I am doing some research on a piece that was supposedly in the Mitsumura Family collection... I have the main 4 books that were re-published in the 1970s and the work is not in those 4 volumes. I'm here looking to either buy the 2 supplements, or pay someone to do a little research for me. Please hit me up with ideas.
  5. Thank you Steve. Yeah, not really my favorite set, and haven't gotten much details on this set. I much prefer this: 第27回重要刀装具 寿老図目貫 加納夏雄 (samuraigallery.com)
  6. Bump, still looking!
  7. Yes, this is a fantastic set and definitely under consideration. Hakogaki is from his son Akio.
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