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    James R.

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  1. Glad you could see them for what they are, I know they had me scratching my head. Yes, they are both in Rinji fittings (type 3 ?) with 2 mekugi ana on both swords. Here are the date and smith pics for the Kanetsuga. Happy to oblige and hope these were useful for you. James.
  2. Here are the Kanetsuga stamps.
  3. Hello Bruce, here are the Nobumitsu stamp pictures you asked for. I hope these are of some use to you, my photography skills may have gotten even worse if thats possible. If you need a larger or clearer image just let me know and I will make the attempt. Next I will send the Kanetsuga pictures I have as well. Thanks again for all you do.
  4. Very nice! There is something about the more subdued look of a type 3 that I find compelling, and yours is an amazing example. James R
  5. Thank you all for your expertise and research, it is very much appreciated. James R
  6. Thank you very much Simon, tsuna is not one I had considered. Toyo, nobu, and even michi looked like possibilities but nothing leapt out at me. JamesR
  7. Hello all, had the chance to pickup another gunto sword locally and am having trouble with the translation. I believe I have the first kanji but have several options on the second. Any help would be greatly appreciated. JamesR
  8. Silver plated? Usually aluminum for these swords. Measurements differ but appears to be what you are looking for. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-Gunto-WWII-Sword-Part-Two-Seppa-Spacers-For-Katana-Silver-Plated-6/142619158467?hash=item2134c3a7c3:g:ffwAAOSwridaK2i~ James
  9. Hello, I dont know if you have tried them yet but another member had posted a source for parts in another thread. Crimson Mist Military Antiques (cmmilitaryantiques.com) They didnt have what i am looking for but they did have several assorted seppa for gunto. James R
  10. Awesome, thank you so much. I didn't show the 2nd showa stamp above the smith since it was clearly another showa. I believe I have a better idea now on reading the dates correctly. I thought the stamp above date was a seki after closer examination but it is so small its hard for me to make out clearly. I will check the other parts for matching assembly numbers. Now I can start comparing other Nobumitsu signatures to see if I can find a comparable style. Thanks again for the help. James R.
  11. Hello all, looking for help/confirmation/correction, translating these kanji. This is a type 3 (0) stamped sword I just purchased and any help would be appreciated. For your amusement I have attempted my own translation but some are a stretch. I am just trying to learn as much as I can since I plan on collecting further. Interestingly, (to me) this sword appears to be stamped 3 times, once above the signature and another on the nakago mune, 2 appear to be showa and I tried to show a possible 3rd odd 1 above the date. Also, any translation on the painted assembly kanji? My guesses put DOM at Feb. 10th 1944 ? Thanks in advance for any experienced translation assistance. James R.
  12. Thanks, I appreciate your taking the time to reply. Yes, I have started collecting some reference materials and hope to learn enough to minimize the cost of my ignorance and hopefully, only fall back on the collective wisdom of this sites members for truly difficult questions. Thank you again. James R.
  13. Hello, looking at a current auction of a shin-gunto that is deemed gendaito I see the nakago is hot stamped. The seller states the stamp indicates that the sword is hand forged. I believed that any hot stamped sword was non-traditionally made, could the stamp indicate hand forged but non-traditional in some other way? Thanks for any information. James R.
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