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Kent C

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About Kent C

  • Birthday 05/29/1954

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    Military/Jeeps/ antique motorcycles/adventures

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    Kent C.

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  1. Thanks to everyone for all the input, please keep it coming. mecox, I uploaded the file, lots of helpful information there - Thanks Kent
  2. The story I got, from the guy I bought it from, said he got it from the Marine who brought it back from Peleliu in 1945. He, the Marine, said they were on higher ground and wiped out a company who were in a lower swampy area. He said they had a water cooled 1917 Browning, 6 BAR’s, a lot of Garands and lots of grenades. He said it only took 30 minutes. He, the Marine, had the sword, a Nambu pistol and a flag. He only let go of the sword. Kent
  3. I don’t know why, but the sight is wanting me to resize my photos. All of my other post did not want me to do that. Anyway I put it on Imgur. I hope this link works. Well I guess it did, Kent
  4. So, is this is a machine made blade? Also, about what year was it made? I really want to thank all that have helped out a new guy. It means a lot to me. Thanks again - Kent
  5. My concern is it a real Japanese WWII sword? I was extremely busy this last week when I received it, and didn’t check it closely. Kent
  6. Rokujuro, I think you may be right. I never compared his pictures to what I received. Kent
  7. The pictures above my post last night were the guy’s who I bought it from. Here are some I took.
  8. The pictures above my post last night were the guy’s who I bought it from. Here are some I took. Thanks - Kent
  9. Upon closer inspection, I found these marks at the 2:00 o’clock position of the Mekugi-ana (peg hole). I had to use a magnifying glass to try and get a decent image. Any help to identify them would be much appreciated. Thanks - Kent
  10. This is my first real Japanese sword. It seams to missing one Seppa (spacer), I think it is a Type 98, no it I’m still learning. I did order a book on the military versions. I need one like the copper one pictured. Not sure on the value so $15.00 - $30.00 (+-) thanks for any help - Kent C
  11. Here are the chips:
  12. About how old is the blade?
  13. Thanks for the reply Mark. The blade has 3 very minute chips in it. Does this devalue it badly? Kent
  14. Hello, Is this a real WWII officer sword? thanks for any help - Dog
  15. What is a good starter book, one that covers military? Kent
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