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  1. These type 94 gunto were only carried by higher ranking officers. They were not carried by lower rank officers. I once bought a very nice Sokan Tanto with horimono from a vet. He had befriended a family and gave them a sack of rice. The tanto was a gesture of their appreciation. No doubt it was their family treasure. Another story, several years ago I found an ubu tachi by Gojo Kuninaga that ended up going tokuju. The story with that one was the guy who brought it back as a souvenir was a member of MacArthur staff. I have no reason to doubt the story of the Vet or the story that the Gojo came from the estate of someone on Gen MacArthur's staff. Those guys all got great swords to take home because they had Japanese liaison's. Anyway here are a few more photos. Hard to read but might be Sukemitsu.
  2. No provenance other then the story but I have no reason to doubt the guy I bought it from. These type 94 gunto mounts were usually carried by high ranking officers.
  3. I thought I would share this legitimate Generals sword with the board. It came from the Son of an army vet who was a part of the early occupation. The son told me his father traded an elderly Japanese general a 10 lbs sack of sugar for it. He didn't know the tassel denoted the rank until I told him. Enjoy! Bill Rannow Mpls, MN
  4. I think I have posted them in the past. If not I might have to retake pics.
  5. I Have a couple that I bought out of the woodwork years ago that are like the one that started the thread and believe them to be legitimate.
  6. As Darcy said it was a part of a very important old collection. I have to say I was a little surprised what the swords I was interested in went for.
  7. Here are a few for you!
  8. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sword. I wish I would have seen it! Maybe the buyer will get cold feet (that is if he or she is stupid)and Fred will sell it to me.
  9. The pics are not working?
  10. brannow

    Rusty tsuba

    I would use a sharpened deer antler.
  11. Hamfish, It is a possibility. I would love to polish and paper it but I have too many other biggies in the pipeline. Bill
  12. Thanks guys! Here is the whole koshirae and blade which are both quite nice. Unfortunately the Koshirae is missing the tsuba and menki. Bill
  13. Jean, This is the Kozuka for the Tanto koshirae! I am not saying its the tanto! Bill
  14. Agree with what others have said above. For that kind of money you will be able to buy a pretty nice sword!
  15. John, Interesting it almost looks like there might be a Mon on that hanger of the west point sword also.
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