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    Perth WA
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    Huntin an Shootn, cabinet making, engraving, skiing and tsuba shi.

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    Steve Phillips

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  1. Cheers Guys. I'm offshore for a while and then off to the UK and Italy. I'll see if I can post some pics before I go.
  2. Hi, I haven't looked at the swords for a while now as my circumstances have changed a bit. We are now host (permanently) to a lovely little 2-year-old grandson and life is noisy and full of stuff to do. I had thought that I might sell some swords and put the money towards the little fella's education and an upgradable electric go-cart (I weld). But I haven't followed prices for years and wondered how the market is going?
  3. https://www.amazon.com.au/s?k=Connoisseurs+book+of+Japanese+swords&crid=3KEN1SNCM0IM3&sprefix=connoisseurs+book+of+Japanese+swords%2Caps%2C297&ref=nb_sb_noss
  4. Only the Connoisseurs Book is left. $95
  5. I need the room so it's time for a clean out. So 5 books 4 in their dust covers. All in very good condition. The Connoisseur's Book is $100 pp The rest $20 each pp Steve Phillips Feel free to ask questions. hybridfiat@hotmail.com
  6. Great bloke. Prices are realistic and he's very helpful.
  7. Thats because of your 'local' ebay settings. I find that if I look for american or german sellers from ebay.com.au I get nothing. So I log out and go to ebay.de or ebay.com. Try searching for the ebay site in the country where it is listed then put in the search/details.
  8. I am a relative 'newbie' and have bought and made one or 2 mistakes so Ill give any other newbies my take on this. Dont think that you are going to be able to find that 'diamond in the rough'. 1. Buy from a respected dealer and buy a polished blade. I bought a wakizashi blade in fittings for $700 then had it polished in Japan at a very reasonable rate. Not a rate normally found by beginers I might add (Thank you John Grasso). The total cost came to $300 more than a beautifully polished Shin Shinto katana in new fittings that John had. So even having got the blade dirt cheap it still cost more than a better buy from a dealer. 2. Dont buy on impulse. Nihonto trading has been going on for centuries and the speed of sales is sometimes at the same pace. "What is for you won't go past you". Save up and ASK THE NMB FIRST! My first purchase was a genuine Wak from Ebay which had I asked first would have been discouraged from buying because it was gimei. I was in a hurry. 6 months later a better Wak came up at NMB but I'd spent the money already so missed out. 3. Don't buy from Ebay unless someone respected at NMB says it is a good deal. Otherwise give Ebay a wide berth. You will not know what is a good deal for a few years and the swords go round and round. Dont worry. I hope that helps.
  9. Cartier and Rolex watches are available (at a high price) that stump even jewelers. Real gold, mechanisms that are so close to the originals that even taking the back off is no use to any but the most experienced watch collector. The price is a magnitude less than the real, but who cares? So if they are so close and so good why sweat about their origin? I have a very exclusive watch by Repossi. He does not or didnt at that time make two alike. Yet no-one Ive ever met even knows who he is so the watch is really just for my pleasure and daily use. I like his style. If I had to buy another daily use watch it would be a repro Cartier Santos. No-one could ever tell.
  10. Very sad, had to stay back at the mine and missed this years fair
  11. Forgot to ask last time we met, whats your poison?
  12. Hybridfiat will be there too. Ill try not to cause rust stains
  13. Yeah I have a friend here in WA who makes violins and teaches violin making. Doesnt take long, not more than 4 or 5 years to do properly. Unlike sword polishing that takes 7 years due mainly to the knowledge of swords required before putting the metal to the stone. Flemming, Im a newbie to this area too, I fortunately read a few posts on polishing before attempting what you did. To put this subject into a perspective you may identify with: Imagine you open an abandoned garage/lockup one day and find a genuine 1956 Ford Thunderbird in original condition. Faded paint and cracked rubber but all there. Yee ha! You are in the money! Before taking it to an auction house to have it valued you get as many cans of spray paint that are more or less the same colour and get to it. Hours later complete with a few runs and overspay on the duco you are done. What would a collector or fancier of these cars say? For that matter what would your next door neighbour call you? Take some comfort that you were ignorant of this most important part of the Nihonto world. I know this may sound patronising but please, please dont do it again.
  14. My inexpert observation is that; there are more than one or two philosophys at work here and not all directly derived from the 'samuria' way of life. The 'Art Sword' concept has been arond a long time sure; but was made most prominant when Gen MacArthur was in charge of Japan and was convinced to class Nihonto as art works not weapons. This was vital for the survival of these historical and culturally important artifacts. This veiw is much stronger today I suspect than it was during the time of the samuria. Next is the concept that an object that has a functional value should be without functional flaw to retain that value. This is quite utilitarian but valid to collectors in many other fields of collection, eg; tractors, handplanes, marine navigation instruments...etc. Then we should also factor in the Japanese paradigm of perfection in functionality and form, it is present in our Western culture but not as deep seated or dare I say it institutionalised as in Japan. The Japanese can be compared to the Germans in their obsession with perfection in creation. It overran the West's car industry like a battletank during the 70s and 80s and America has not recovered from the intense drive to create products with not simply buyer appeal but the highest functionality and durability possible. This paradigm or philosophy can be seen quite clearly in the manufacture of their swords, their fittings and indeed almost any household artifact from the past. They are made well BECAUSE it is possible to make them well. One of the things a beginner to 'Nihonto spotting' learns is that no matter how cheap and nasty, no matter how lowly or functional a Japanese sword is; it WILL have clean lines (almost perfect in most cases) and a form that is not easily reproduced. This makes spotting a fake so much easier. The same cannot be said for European swords, the best are good, the foot soldiers often rough and ready. So the debate about the value WE place on these swords will continue because in some way we all will stress one measure of value over another. My hope is that it will never lead to the loss of a sword.
  15. I fully concur with what Jean has said. Steer well clear of Ebay, there are NO bargains to be had. Plus there is the evils of shill bidding that skew prices. Go to a dealer.
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