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Everything posted by Bugyotsuji

  1. Looks like Uda Kunimori, Rob. 宇多國森
  2. You can admire your bed of newly-laid concrete, and even put up a warning sign. “Freshly laid concrete!” Inevitably a small creature will venture across it. Dinosaur DNA?
  3. Are you asking about this one, Yves? And originally did you mean they will make the tsuba fit the tang?
  4. Many colourful and fond memories from trips to Australia, Dale.
  5. So, some kangaroos loose in the top paddock, Dale!?!?
  6. Sonno Joey? 尊王攘夷 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonnō_jōi
  7. 長 一尺五寸四分強 “Length, 1 shaku 5 sun 4 bu (slightly over)” The only other information on this NBTHK Hozon certificate given is the date of May 31, Reiwa 5.
  8. Here’s mine.
  9. Yes, or Gyokusai 玉斎
  10. This thread was interesting for a number of reasons. Thank you all for the forbearance shown, and for the learning process.
  11. There is a high probability that unless (or even if) you go through someone high up in the NBTHK, the long process and the final answer will still be no. (An ordinary non/specialized Japanese person would not make much leeway in there.) Dealers tend to keep old paperwork with a blade, just on the off-chance, i.e. better for some customers than no papers. Resubmitting is generally too much trouble for them, especially if there is any possibility it might fail.
  12. Re: wishful thinking. Nice piece of embroidery on a ukiyoé theme of Bijin-ga by Utamaro! Lovely work.
  13. Love the design. I suspect it is a (deliberately?) failed attempt to write 信家 Nobuié.
  14. Are two of those not Chrysanthemums (by the leaves) and Kikyo, Chinese bellflower, which was the Mino Toki (and Akechi) Kamon?
  15. Nice Tsuba. (Yes, ok ✅)
  16. 池 might also be possible, part of a coding system?
  17. Really lovely Sam. Congratulations. It may be a repurposed Kashira. Like a piece of jewellery, someone thought it worth upgrading. The flower styles remind me of Mino work.
  18. Chōshū, but similar to your design. The leaves go onto the mimi too.
  19. Here is a tsuba with a gold seal in a pot, also reading 谷 Tani, (Koku?) I think, possibly referencing the artistic works of Tani Bunchō rather than being the tsuba maker’s mark per se.
  20. The treatment of the leaves and the surface finish make me think of Chōshū, but if Bushū did this type of work too then I’m willing to learn!
  21. 正長 plus花王 Masanaga perhaps, or Shōchō. (Two or three readings of these characters possible.)
  22. 二十… Or even 昭和三十年?
  23. Try https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=vNwvaPSEnCMC&pg=PA89&lpg=PA89&dq=Tani+Toyotsugu&source=bl&ots=xjvZIZT61i&sig=ACfU3U3rpWyy4woWDk18h09wZoejuKF2aw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNhbeB3umAAxXJSkEAHePeDi0Q6AF6BAgaEAI#v=onepage&q=Tani Toyotsugu&f=false Tani Toyotsugu 谷 豊次
  24. What is wrong with that one? (So the UK is no good.)
  25. The photos are rather fuzzy, but the signature itself looks to have been added later.
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