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Joseph P.

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About Joseph P.

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    San Diego, California
  • Interests
    Swords, firearms, antiques of all sorts, cars, aircraft, etc.

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  1. I've had an eBay listing on my mind for a couple weeks now, it ended two weeks ago. Figured I'd post it here. This sword is likely a Chinese fake, but it is a good example of what improper restoration does to a possibly good sword. It's not uncommon for a beautiful sword to resemble a Chinese fake after a hack job like this. https://www.ebay.com/itm/167255200059
  2. Hello all, First off, thank you to Brian for assistance with recovering my account. I am not a new member but I have not posted for about 15 years. I was a young man of 16 years old when I first signed up for this website. I enjoyed studying Nihonto and Japanese history, as well as arms from around the world of all types. Unfortunately life sometimes can be difficult and I was forced to put most of my interests aside for "reality". Well 15 years later and a good amount of hours poured into work, I had a bit of a breakdown and I now find myself unemployed and without any hobbies. It took some time but I finally reignited my interest through spotting a Kyu-Gunto on eBay which sold for much (!) lower than I was expecting. I ended picking up a few starter blades for study, and now the addiction returns. I have decided to become a supporting member (after seeing what happened to SFI) and a regular poster again. All the best
  3. Thank you very much Morita san! The first pic of kanji belongs to the cap. The second is embroidered into the coat.
  4. Here is your challenge. Only the strong will survive!
  5. I plan to clean the mounts up (or have new shirasaya made). I'm going to have it look like a regular curtain rack.... With silk curtains hanging off it. They will never suspect a thing.
  6. Joseph P.

    Recent find

    Hello, wanted to share some pictures. http://s363.photobucket.com/albums/oo79 ... 20nihonto/
  7. Hello, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 500wt_1182 Can somebody translate the signature on the nakago?
  8. Indeed. Do not attempt to sharpen it or buff it or anything. You will destroy it. Beautiful sword. :D
  9. Hello Brian, Moriyama san, would it be okay with you if I PM'ed for details? I'm very interested in this flag. :|
  10. Thank you both, Reinhard and Nobody.
  11. Can anybody translate? http://s363.photobucket.com/albums/oo79 ... se%20flag/
  12. I have a thing for these small wakizashi in Kyu-Gunto koshirae. :D The polish seems fine as it is.
  13. I love that tsuka! I'm looking forward to blade pics. Jo
  14. Hi reinhard, sorry to open up a relatively old thread but I wanted to know how you believe your English is rusty? You look to have excellent English to me.
  15. I have to agree with reinhard on certain points. While I have more confidence that this blade really is old, there are things on it that make it look "strange". The nakago looks a little weird to me. It seems a little "unfinished". To me, every time I see a hi that looks like that, I think "showato". The nakago rust tells me otherwise. I believe the nakago may have been hastily finished if suriage. The hamon just doesn't look right to me either. Perhaps it was modified for War? May I ask how you obtained the balde? With these things in mind, however, I still believe it is just an old (Pre-Showa) blade in need of some TLC and good polishing. Boy, I am editing this a lot! :D This is quite embarrassing!
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