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Everything posted by mareo1912

  1. Funny idea! A nice Japanese teppanyaki restaurant in denmark I visited recently had Tsuba shaped coasters for their glasses
  2. Slight but final reduction in prices. A: 70 Euro B: 110 Euro C:100 Euro D:80 Euro Contact me if any questions arise
  3. I justed added a few more details to a ko kinko Tsuba I hope you will enjoy. Please feel free to discuss and comment: https://www.tosogu.de/ko-kinko-tsuba Best regards, Marco
  4. Hi Everyone, letting go some of my decorative pieces that sadly have to leave as I do not have space for a 'bigger' Japanese corner anymore and safe tosogu+nihonto storage has priority As always I ship everything worldwide, so don't hesitate to ask. A: Japanese tea cups, full set by the artist. Cup height 6.5cm, diameter 7.5cm. Price: 90 Euro for the set. B: Tiny and highly decorative bonsai pot. The colour is amazing, you can gaze for an hour over this bowl and will find new tones of green, silver, blue, gold, sand, black. etc. Price: 140 Euro 10.5x8.3x2.2cm (LxWxH) C: Bonsai / other decorative table, I used it on some bonsai shows to present one of my favorite bonsai (which I sadly have to sell as well...) a ~40 year old korean beech. Nice reddish would, solid and heavy, hosted Nihonto on a stand when not used for bonsai. Price: 120 Euro. 57x30x19cm (LxWxH) D: Excellent Tsuba box, very solid and deep red colour. High quality mulberry edge box inside. 100 Euro. Feel free to ask any questions and contact me via PM. Best, Marco
  5. Thanks to everybody that participated!
  6. One new addition in sake of new years eve... and a new camera lens buy for holidays: a very lovely goto crab and lotus kozuka! More details here: https://www.tosogu.de/goto-crab-kozuka By the way, I decided that NMB members will get 10% discount off the website price on all things I list for sale Best, Marco
  7. Hey guys, Thank you for the feedback and kind words, also those reaching out via Mail. @Brian Thanks for that idea, I will add an adequate page, however, this shall not be a selling page in the first place as I am and want to remain just a collector that likes to photograph, share pieces and from time to time sell one or another item from his collection for new buys
  8. Thanks for the great response and everyone who bid! Less than 36 hours remaining now, so your chance now to participate
  9. Hi Everyone, as some of you already saw, I set up a new website to share some pieces from my collection, mostly Tosogu, but sometimes also Nihonto. I will continuously update the site, add more details and more items to all sections. I will try to update this thread when something new is added and hope that it gives us all some good references and/or nice discussions. Thanks also to Brian for adding it to the NMB Link section www.tosogu.de Feedback always appreciated and best regards, Marco
  10. Interesting story and finding, though I have to admit I am almost equally impressed by the colour palette of that rust
  11. Hey guys, after some time I am back to the hobby and once again I want to part with a small fitting for the sake of NMB, let's not forget how much joy and information we all got from NMB! It's a lot of time, work and money invested by Brian and all moderators. Therefore here some minor tosogu for sale which was laying around in my drawer. Iron ground kozuka with brass inlay, surely not a high quality piece but a nice small gift, for example to encourage young fellows to this hobby Price is 30 Dollars or whoever bids more here or via pm until 31st december 23:59 Berlin time. All proceeds go to NMB and worldwide shipping is on me! Also, feel free to have a look at my new project which will be continuously updated, happy about any feedback! www.tosogu.de Best regards and have a joyful time! Marco
  12. Iron Tsuba, Art treasures of Japan and Tsukamaki are sold
  13. Hi everyone, I offer many more books here for sale, all of them worth reading in my humble opinion. Prices etc. on the pictures, Please Inquire with any questions. Best, Marco
  14. Bump - Ishiguro and pechalov sold
  15. Hi Blake - still available. Please PM me for more infos
  16. More books: Iron Tsuba The Works of the exhibition Kurogane No Hana - 75 Euro The art appreciation of Japanese sword fittings - 150 Euro
  17. Hi everyone, I have some books for sale and more will be addex the next days. The Ishiguro School of Japanese Sword Fittings Artists -90€ 2xThe Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords 1x70€ 1x60€ Soshu den masterpieces by Pechalov 325€ Feel free to ask if you have question. Best, Marco
  18. Dear Jean, that's true, but my taste in sweet "Spätlese" wine rarely finds me compatible drinking partners... But of course there are always a few dozen bottles in the basement ready for guests
  19. Thank you so much guys for your participation! Fuchi goes to the highest bid and invitation for a beer/whisky to all others who bid when you visit the Rheingau
  20. One more day until auction stops so up again for final consideration
  21. Hi Everyone, I am reducing my tosogu closet to the bare minimum in the next weeks and I found this beautiful Fuchi - which I would suppose to be Ko Mino - with extremely deep and rich carving of blackest shakudo with delicate gold and silver inlays. This piece was bought to use it on a black tanto or aikuchi koshirae, where it will excellently decorate any blade on a simple 16-17th century "field" koshirae, however I sold the blade I bought it for. With Brians permission I want to try something funny and "auction" this piece, with 80% proceeds going to a medical charity project in Botswana and 20% to the NMB. "EDIT: The program pays eye operations and parasite medications for children. Every 7 Euro is a full parasite cure, every 20 a child gaining eyesight again. A pharmacist friend of mine worked there for one year and said its helping the future and development of these children a lot." The starting price is 50 Euro, tracked shipping in envelope will be covered by me worldwide. Please bid until april 30, 8PM GMT here in the thread or contact me via PM. It really is a beauty, feeling very elegant, aged, and "rich but simple" in your hands. Please have a look at the video below, showing especially the deep carving (Sorry for the bad video quality, my good objective was borrowed to a friend). Please contact me with any questions regarding this little auction try. Other items will follow, if you're seriously interested in Ishiguro / Ichinomiya/High quality Ko-Kinko,just write me a PM as I will not list everything. Best, Marco
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