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drb 1643

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drb 1643 last won the day on June 23 2022

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  1. I agree, it’s a repro.
  2. Thanks Mike. We have to drag you out there at least once!
  3. Here’s a picture of my set up at the SOS. It’s always a great show to see new things and catch up with friends. I look forward to this event every year not just for swords but for military collectibles of every genre. It’s amazing the “stuff” you see there! Tom
  4. The saya is a mismatch. Tom
  5. I have 4077 with fingerloop although it has a leather repair. Attached are photos. Tom
  6. It’s totally legit and as already mentioned a rare side latch. Nice score!
  7. Thanks Ray, but unfortunately it’s the exact sword I am talking about. Hopefully another one will come along. Tom
  8. Hi all, as it says in the title I’m looking for a sword by Kanefusa with the kikusui carved on the blade. I had an opportunity to buy one years ago and didn’t. You never forget the ones you let get away! Thanks for any help, Tom
  9. If the price is right I would scoop this one up immediately! Tom
  10. Fantastic information Trystan. Thank you very much! Tom
  11. Trystan, thank you very much for this information. I had no idea that there were two classes. So is the otsu class a machine made blade? Tom
  12. Yes Bruce, it has the standard navy dirk koshirae. Any views as to legitimacy? Thanks, Tom
  13. I posted pictures in the translation section and was hoping someone could help me if this is a legitimate Mikasa dirk. The Mei is unlike anything I’ve seen before. Thanks for any information. Tom
  14. Exactly, the tangs you posted are the ones that I see online. I don’t see anything like the one I posted. Tom
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