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Everything posted by Vermithrax16

  1. Hello all! I have always loved swords and Samurai swords have always been my favorite. When I was a lot younger I spent money on flashy cheap items I could buy via catalog and movie or TV reproductions (Yes, I loved the film "Highlander" and the TV series so much). Time went on and I had work, other interests, life. You know how it goes. Tomorrow I turn 41 years old (oh my.... ) and as a present to myself I worked with a reputable sword dealer to purchase my first Nihonto sword. It arrives Tuesday most likely. Very excited as you would think. It's not a famous line nor in the best condition, but it just spoke to me. I would like to learn more about old Nihonto and work my way up to a comfort level where I can buy a sword of a life time. I think this board can help me do that. Thanks for having me, I look forward to learning here.
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