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Everything posted by Vermithrax16

  1. I can add to this by saying Ray and his helpful advise was a major turning point for my studies and collecting years ago. Put me on a good path that worked for me. Thank you.
  2. I have pictures for the Sue Sa from a friend that held it. Would have been my pick. Brutal, powerful sword.
  3. I don't mind pitching in, I get so much from this board, but I think in Brian's thread a poster suggested setting an annual target (or something to that effect) and I think that would be more helpful. That way we could all work towards a goal.
  4. What treats to see tonight Michael S. and Jussi, thank you so very much. Made my night.
  5. #4 is best to show example of sukashi, at least to me. But sure enough StevenK calls it, #7 draws my looks and holds it best.
  6. 3 wonderful swords. Agree with Brian, don't want to seem like favoring one or the other as they are currently on sale now. The three make an interesting test thought case though; at least to me they can be ranked by the OP criteria in 2 ways fairly easily: more collectible and better shot at future appreciation. But again, to beat my dead horse......personal preference should always be any individual collectors #1 criteria. If you want to invest in something, buy stocks or municipal bonds (in state are tax free usually ).
  7. Love Tameyasu 1 and 2. Good luck with sale.
  8. Agree, got a touch side tracked, but a good discussion.
  9. Well Tony Y, it's a waiting game. Nihonto is a SLOW pursuit, until it gets crazy for a month or so, then slow again. Hope you find what you seek.
  10. Arbitrage in any setting (trading stocks, currencies, etc) assumes one has information others do not. If you can do it, wish you well. Unless a perfect package, I can't imagine buying a sword without a plan to have it fitted to my liking.
  11. Can only speak for me, but I prefer a blade just in shirasaya. If I want to fit it out, I am going to want my own set of fittings for it. Maximize a buy for best blade you can, ignore the koshirae is how I roll.
  12. Being a scientist has it's advantages:
  13. Andreas, nice find. Yikes.
  14. Due to a book buying binge last 2 years, having trouble picking something Grey, but incredible opportunity here.
  15. Mito, certainly not Norikatsu (Tokkatsu, Tokukatsu) but maybe Masakatsu the 2nd, with a little enhancement help.
  16. I looked at this one for a while. Hate to be negative and I could be wildly wrong but in boshi snd start of hamon near the machi, the flow seems unnatural. Almost etched like. There is no side light hamon pic included in the ad, which I find curious, hence the points I made before. I would need a real light picture of this sword for a full opinion.
  17. I think this is the second post saying a well known dealer, well known to NMB, in the last few weeks with some sort of issue. I can't remember and can't scan now, but maybe "horror stories" thread and a post by Rivkin, seems to follow a same flow. Might be better to just say what you want to say, and allow a free discussion. In any case, I like the tsuba above, are the black inlays shakudo? Was that the misunderstanding? Dunno.
  18. My mom is visiting for a bit so I have zero time to do much of anything but listen to her talking........ Got a spare hour tonight to look around. A couple things warrant a better look, but I have no opportunity for a while so just posting so I can feel I contributed something..... Tsuba, https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/b393707732 Kogai, https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/n348018482 If anyone has a short review by tomorrow (will be at work thankfully!) would like discussion.
  19. They are attached to this sword and it's not cheap: http://www.sword-auction.jp/en/content/as18517%E5%88%80%EF%BC%9A%E5%A4%A7%E5%92%8C%E5%AE%88%E5%AE%89%E5%AE%9A-katana-yamato-kami-yasusada Nice blade, maybe worth follow up work.
  20. Wow StevenK! Interesting!
  21. I am 43 years old and have to plan a down day after shoveling snow here in the Northeast, Naotane was swinging hammers and making swords at age 80???? Juyo or higher in my book
  22. Rabbits tend to.....multiply. Hope to see more soon.
  23. Richard, I LOVE that one! Amazing! The only mokume I have now is this dandy I got a while back, Masanao:
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