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Everything posted by Vermithrax16

  1. His are really good (white background) mine are not so good. Still working out the feel with the phone camera tri-pod.
  2. As promised, a picture set. Tsuba by Miyake Jiryusai Tomohide, full thread can be seen here. This shakudo tsuba had a substantial verdigris issue, but it's been resolved. Cleaned and restored by Ford Hallam, it's now looking it's best. Highly recommend. I tried my best to take pics at same lighting, angles etc to show the difference, but the restored tsuba is very reflective now, so it was harder than I thought. So much to appreciate on this work, and now all can really be seen clearly.
  3. An excellent idea Eric.
  4. The head is actually an iron inlay, then carved. Can show how that was done if there is interest.
  5. Hi George, I reached out via DM right here on NMB to open up a discussion with Ford. From there it was email and Facebook DM. That was back in February/March. Generally that's about all I gave Ford (Motoharu inspired/Iron/No ana/Size) and left it to him to find the art his way. Yes, some sketches and things evolved over time before work began. In the collage below you can see an early test engraving plate Ford did to have an idea on the rabbit. He moved in another direction right as the chisels were about to fly, and that's reflected in the progression. I honestly did not offer much, as I was very happy with things as they went and I wanted it to flow organic.
  6. Was hoping this would go to Jussi! NICE!
  7. I have had the extreme pleasure of seeing Ford Hallam work his iron brush magic on a rabbit themed tsuba over the past few months. When we started planning, these were the parameters: - Iron - No kozuka/kogai ana holes - Katana size (over 7.5cm-8.0cm) - Rabbit and moon features, inspired by Motoharu rabbit tsuba Designs were refined, changed, and Ford took things to a whole new level. No more words, just going to share then I am going to spend some time with this artwork tonight: I have many pictures of the work as it was done, it's incredible to see all the fine details and how they are executed.
  8. UK package I will pick up tomorrow, so expect a new post comparing the before and after in same lighting setup.
  9. An Ippo: http://www.sword-auction.jp/en/content/as08188-%E5%88%80%EF%BC%9A%E8%8F%8A%E7%B4%8B-%E6%97%A5%E7%BD%AE%E5%B1%B1%E5%9F%8E%E5%AE%88%E6%BA%90%E4%B8%80%E6%B3%95-katana-kiku-mon-hioki-yamashiro-kami-minamoto-ippo
  10. Great leads! Who can say but if I had to bet $$: 1. Ippo 2. Mitsuhira 3. Yasuhiro
  11. Aoi Art has a mumei Ishido school sword up for auction. I figured let's keep the kantei party going? I LOVE Ishido swords, and one maker jumped out as the one that made this sword. Anyone want to hazard a guess? As the Hozon paper is to "Den" no way to really know, and I don't mean to say I know for sure, but a fun exercise: http://www.sword-auction.jp/en/content/as19221%E5%88%80%EF%BC%9A%E7%84%A1%E9%8A%98%E6%B1%9F%E6%88%B8%E7%9F%B3%E5%A0%82-katana-mumeiunsigned-attributed-edo-ishido
  12. Jon MB, Checked a bunch of references and as you show above, it's not really even close to the signature. Still may be a good sword though.
  13. Same with rabbits; I have my own theory for one piece, but it's not a rule.
  14. I understand the money angle, just think if the tickets are small and large in number, the response is not going to be all that large. And as Mike from Australia noted, a free sword got limited interest for $30.
  15. Idea: Well 1st off want to say thanks for voicing that idea, I think it's a good one. My 1st thought is how to do it mechanically? Idea, adjust prices but each ticket 1/10th cost of item until over 10k: $5000 US: (1/10th rule) 10 tickets at $505 each ($50 dollar board donation); 1st response via post gets ticket, all timestamped $10,000 US: (1/10th rule) 10 tickets at $1005 each ($50 dollar board donation); 1st response via post gets ticket, all timestamped $20,000 US (not usually many): (1/20th rule) 20 tickets at $1005 ($50 dollar board donation); 1st response via post gets ticket, all timestamped Say an item is $300 US: 10 tickets @ 30.50. etc you get the idea. The point is, no one wants to be in a huge pool, odds don't favor. The 1/10 and 1/20 rule I swear will get a response. I LOVE this idea and it would work. Nothing would go unsold. It's just who could manage it?
  16. Greg, I always thought about this. I think it would be logistics. Brian has a real job and real life, to deal with. Luckily for us he is able to manage this forum. If a trustworthy volunteer was to step up to manage said raffle, maybe? Seller's would also have to be comfortable. I know I would participate in many sales if fractional costs were involved. Your are right, many wonderful works pass through this section. Well worth a shot.
  17. I really try to never weigh in on tosogu as I am so bad at identification but I do like fun stuff to look up. Hawk catching prey/object is a Jingo motif, found a couple examples. This tsuba does not show that level work style, but the motif is the same. So late copy sounds pretty spot on. Probably other folks with better knowledge base will chime in.
  18. Smart buyer!!!!! Well done.
  19. Ford has completed the Tomohide work, and the results are exceptional. If you are a subscriber on the Patreon page, there is a new video which documents the final work: https://www.patreon.com/FordHallam/posts I am hoping to have the tsuba in hand soon, but why not give a tease look at what was done? Full pics to follow later on. Can't wait to have it back. And something else will be coming as well, something in the works for a long time now. Before and after; I know lighting is different but you can get an idea. Lighting will be same when I have it in hand. A saved piece that was at risk for verdigris damage, I can't be more thankful as I love the tsuba:
  20. Ford Hallam was kind enough to open up his Patreon channel to NMB to show this minogame themed tsuba (disclosure: it's my piece) by Tomohide. A nice video and great detail is pointed out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvnRoOgsOaM&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0BsR2ADYoK0jIPj3CB9cXGeZw_ImNskxM_mCmgIfI3JhIHm3QrGETJYmA
  21. Well done Tony, I really like it and the moon itself is a joy to observe and study.
  22. Henry, fisherman here and carp are fun! BUT, not a rabbit.....
  23. I heard and had it confirmed a GO YOSHIHIRO was there! Many have seen ghosts, not many have seen a Go.
  24. This iron plate would look so nice with a rabbit, yes?
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