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Vermithrax16 last won the day on August 16 2024

Vermithrax16 had the most liked content!

About Vermithrax16

  • Birthday 03/12/1976

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  • Location:
    Boston Metro North
  • Interests
    Scientist. Masame sword works are my favorite.

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  • Name
    Jeremiah L

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  1. Ford restored my favorite tsuba (Tomohide minogame) from serious verdigris. He brought back to life a great rabbits kozuka that seemed beat. He worked with me on a custom rabbit tsuba to pair with one I had already that still is my avatar Pic. What can be said? He will be missed.
  2. Do you remember whose table the Hosho was at?
  3. Lovely. I'm getting a Ko-Kinko vibe from it.
  4. Great end result. Nice work.
  5. Made timeless by the Risendo School artist Mitsumasa, the eerie feeling they can evoke is moving. This example by Yoshinori (Muneta School) has much of the same power. In hand it has a certain presence. This kozuka really hits me hard and absorbs one's attention. One of my absolute favorites.
  6. Outstanding iron! Wow. Congrats. I also endorse seller, top flight service.
  7. Oooohhhh I like that. Nice.
  8. Dragon thread always a great way to see some nice things. Good idea.
  9. I think maybe I did know this at some point.......but came across again last night. Iron was banned as a material for Goto fittings. Alas, the great Ichijo used an alternate name for his iron works. I would wonder, would anyone really have made a fuss? He's the master.
  10. I wear gloves on any soft metal pieces or when I'm cleaning items. No biggie.
  11. Your best way forward should this be a legitimate endeavor is private contact a reputable steward of the art like Raymond Singer or Mike Yamasaki. Perhaps a confidentiality agreement can be made to better hasten information exchange. Best of luck.
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