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Posts posted by Michaelr

  1. I recently purchased a early NCO sword with the brass Tsuba, and aleather tassel with the buckle was attached to the sword. Looking at the way it was attached I knew something wasn’t right, only the tongue piece of leather was through the Sarute. Now my question, I can’t seem to figure out how to install the tassel the correct way as the buckle end will not fit through the Sarute. It looks to me that I will have to remove the Sarute to run both pieces of the leather tassel through and then reinstall the Sarute. Is this correct or am I completely missing something? Thank you in advance


  2. I was told that sometimes they were carried by the pilots, but you know how that goes, anything is possible. I was also told by a high end Japanese sword expert/collector that a few that he had seen when the leather was removed it revealed information on the Saya. No way I will ever attempt to remove the leather from mine to find out. Also originally on mine the mekugi was completely covered and the leather had to be carefully cut to remove it to check for a signature   Glad you are enjoying these two Tantos


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  3. Ok just my 2 cents. I have been into collecting military stuff, US, German,And Japanese, since I was 10 years old. I am 69 years old now. What I have always found over all those years is that the high class- high priced items revolve in a small circle. Even the price of those items fluctuate but they seem to fluctuate the least. Next you find the middle of the road items ( with no disrespect to anyone ) where most people seem to float. This area is the area of Great items at Great prices that most of us can afford and appreciate. This section seems to take the greatest hit when things around change. It seems to be the first section to see increases when times are good and the first section to see the decreases when times turn bad. The last area that we find is the entry level, lower condition- lower desirable items that ALL can afford. This area never seems to fluctuate. EVERYONE can afford to be in this area. When times are tuff we all justify a little stash just to go out and keep us in the circle and we can always find something in this area to take home.
      I think at this time we are in that down turn of the second-center section.  A few years ago that same section was seeing a Great upward movement.  I learned over all these years to BUY THE BEST THAT I COULD AFFORD, TO BUY WHAT I ENJOY AND WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY And it has worked well for me. I have sold items over the years for less than I paid BUT the look on the new owners face, having just spent all the money they had more than made up for my loss. Enjoy what you have, buy the best that you can afford and don’t sweat the ones that got away. I always take the time to enjoy the ones that I can’t afford and consider myself lucky to have been given that opportunity. Getting into Japanese Swords was the best thing that I ever did as the people that you meet,  NO MATTER WHAT AREA THEY REVOLVE IN are ALWAYS willing to spend time with you and share what they know. Thank you to ALL HERE ON THE FORUM that have helped me along this journey, to the late Bob Elder from the Orlando Show that was always there for me, to Martin from Pa ,to Jim from Fla. and to Ray and Mark


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  4. Congratulations David and congratulations to the new owners. They got a Great Deal. Since my first sword I always wanted to own a Generals Tassel but was always a day late or a dollar short. This time it was the dollar short. They were all beautiful and a Very Great Deal


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  5. Dave and Rob, I had in my hand a so called seki stamped and signed Wakizashi that the owner ( a knowledgeable sword person ) said was original. Although I am not as knowledgeable as him it did appear to me that it had indeed been shortened from the kassiki end and reshaped. The blade was in just OK shape so to really see Boshi , especially at a show, with show lighting, was nearly impossible. Dave it was just my opinion at that time that this blade was indeed once a Katana and damaged and repaired in the field. With better lighting and a blade in a little better condition maybe it would have been a nobrainer but under the conditions at the time it was a tough call. Never say never as everything happened. In time of War I think that I would rather retain my reshaped and shortened katana than be swordless because the tip was broken.  Just my two cents, as I have been collecting military stuff for over 50 years I have learned never say never and just when you think you have seem it all something pops up that defies all logic    MikeR

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  6. Paul, your pictures look great and like Paz said pictures are probably the best selling point of any sword. For me a service like you are thinking about would be a great idea. A beautiful picture to go with a beautiful blade would be nice. Also not that someone couldn’t do it themselves but even a small detailed picture to put with each blade would also be a good idea. Great job and Good Luck with you venture


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