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Posts posted by Michaelr

  1. Hello everyone and thank you in advance. I just purchased a blade that was polished and put into a newly made Shirasaya. The new Shirasaya is very light and very new looking. I also have a blade in a Shirasaya from WW2 and it is a rich golden color. Is there any rule here or is it just personal preference on the color or finish of a Shirasaya? Is it ok to put something on the new Shirasaya to change the color? If it is ok to do so what is usually used or recommend? Thank you


  2. Hello everyone. A friend of mine has a sword that his father brought back from Japan at the end of WW2. It has been very neglected over the years and is just now becoming of interest to him. I am hoping that someone can help us both out with this one. I see that it has what I believe is a Shoa stamp but I can’t read the Smith. To me it looks like the blade may be stainless? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. MikeR






  3. Alex I also went to the page that you posted and no swords. Says it was last updated in 2010. I think that the people that defend his type of selling on eBay haven’t been involved in any of his auctions. Vajo as you I have bid good money on two of his swords only to be supposedly out bid at every step,and then the auction ends and the sword is sold. But wait for it——- it reappears for sale again. Say what you want I won’t deal with a person like this. Say what you want ,if he wants you to contact him outside of eBay then he should just put a high reserve on the sword and say if you have any questions contact me. Just my opinion. I am sure he won’t miss my money but I am sure that I won’t miss his type of dealings. There are many GREAT people here on the board that don’t have to play games,know what they have for sale, and are glad to help you along the way. When I make a purchase here there is no BS and I know what I am getting and usually I am more impressed after I receive the item because it is even better than I thought. Just my two cents



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  4. Gary, when times are good and people have money the prices of all collectibles are high. People buy what they like or are interested in at the time. When times aren't as good people often have less money and prices are down and people buy what they like or are interested in. People collect for different reasons. Most collectors buy things that interest them for what they can afford at that time. We all hope in the back of our minds that our items will appreciate over time. That dosent always happen. I have found after many years of collecting many types of things" buy what You like and what You can afford, enjoy what you buy for as long as you own it. Enjoy it for what it is Not for what you paid for it and when the time comes to pass that item on for what ever reason get all that you can for it,At That Time! " if you ONLY collect for the reason of a investment you never take the time to enjoy what you have,because you are to worried about what it might be worth tomorrow. Believe me I have sold my collectibles for huge profits and have also lost my butt on others BUT as long as I had them I enjoyed them, studied them and was proud to share them with others. The nice thing is that when I passed them on weather at a profit or loss I knew that the new owner was also going to enjoy them for what they were.




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  5. Sean, when I picked up my first sword I made myself crazy trying to figure out what type of case to put it in and where to purchase it from. Then one night sitting in my living room watching TV and looking at a pretty much blank wall it came to me, why not put then right there above the TV? So I now have 5 beautiful Japanese Swords displayed on my wall above the TV. I think that they can be appreciated much better by me and others and they remain out of reach to those who " just have to touch them" What ever you decide remember, display them where YOU can enjoy them, where they are out of reach of the touchy- feeley types and most of all, leave a lot of room since this field of collecting is very addictive and I am sure that you will be adding more to your display soon.


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  6. I agree totally. Although I have never dealt with Yahoo I have delt with eBay. They are both doing the same exact thing. Items are being listed with no reserve and being pulled right before that end and then being re listed. I was watching two items, one had 25 bids and the dealer just pulled it and resisted it. The other was in its last day ( when I usually bid ) and had about 15 bids. It had started at a penny and was about $850.00. When I went to bid it was pulled and resisted with a buy it now of $5250.00. My highest bid would have been $1500.00 figuring it was worth about $2000.00, certainly not over $5000.00 Maybe if the buyers start to become more aware and start to walk away form the fake frenzy, then maybe then Thease dealers will start to be more realistic with their prices and stop the BS of shill bidding and pulling and re listing their stuff. When this happens to me, as it just did, I feel that dealer is unreliable and not someone that I want to deal with anymore.


  7. Just me. If I were one of the 25 bidders and the auction went like it did I wouldn't be very happy. As far as I am concerned a Auction IS A Auction, not a fishing expedition, or a advertisement for sale. At a real auction after a second bid the item has to be sold in less it has a reserve.I have been involved in similar auctions and when this happens to me I just cross that dealer off my list. My feelings are if you want a certain price for a item, put a reserve on it. If you don't know what it's worth put a high reserve on it and see where it goes, BUT DONT take bids on a item, say it was sold and realist it for what you really wanted for it in the first place. I was just getting ready to bid on a very nice Wak on eBay from Japan with papers. It was the last day and the sword had only reached around $800.00 it started at one penny ( figured it to be worth around 1500.00 to me ) so at this point the dealer pulls it from the auction stating there was a misprint in the listing and realist the same exact listing with a buy it now for $5200.00. WHAT! Oh well nice guy or not, friend or not I don't deal with those type of people. I am sure that they don't miss my bid but over time a lot of me's egual less sales. Call it what you want and blow it off as " everyone does it" and " he is really a good guy " but if you want to be honest just list it with a reserve and see where it goes. Just my opinion.



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  8. As a beginner in the Japanese Sword field I wasn't sure if I was ready for a show like this yet. I called Bob Elder and talked to him about the show and he said come on down you won't regret it. WOW was he right!! I got to the show Friday morning and hooked up with my friend Jim Colorado and met Bob for the first time. I spent three days, open to close, with people that treated me like they had known me for every. I have to say that EVERYONE at the show took me under their wing and took the time to teach me about and show me everything that they had on their tables. I have never been treated this well anywhere. I attended all of the lectures and they were also GREAT! I was able to see and handle some blades that I, and maybe some long time collectors, may never be able to see again. For me and I think all that attended this was a GREAT Show, with GREAT People. If you get a chance to attend this show please do, you won't regret it. Thank you so much Bob, Jim, and all the other people at the show who helped a new guy feel like a old friend. Thank all of you for sharing your knowledge and time with me to help me learn and appreciate the Japanese Sword much more than I could have ever expected.... thanks. MikeR





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  9. I have been a US Military collector for over 50 years but just became interested in Japanese Swords. I was always told " buy the best that you can afford" " don't buy junk" " condition isn't always everything but it can be" "be the most informed buyer that you can" "most books cost less than your first mistake"BUT WE WILL ALL MAKE SOME. But most of all " Buy What YOU Like And What Makes YOU Happy" If you do that you can always sell to upgrade but at least you will always be happy with what you have. Just the Words of Wisdom that I collect by. Hope that maybe something works for you.


    Mike R

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  10. Grey I wasn't sure what to call it but going but the measurement of 12-1/2" blade wouldn't it then be a Wakizashi? So if it is a Wakizashi would the sugata then be correct?

    Note To All: I mean no disrespect when I ask my questions. I am in the very early stages of learning and all the members here seem to be very helpful. Sometimes as a beginner I will ask a follow up question just to get it so that I can understand it. Please don't think that I am doubting anyone's advice or trying to argue. I hope you all understand.

    I will try and post some good measurements and better pictures if that will make any difference. Thank you all again



  11. Thank all of you for your time and information so far. I am out right now but will try and post some pictures of the whole blade when I get in. Guys if you look back in the original post after I said thank you in advance I posted my name as Mike. Thought that was good enough, but from now on I will put it in its own line as MichaelR.



  12. Need assistance with a translation of this o-Tanto? Or Wakizashi? It has a 12-3/4" blade so not sure what it should be called. I was told by one person that it is Takehiro but another didn't agree but wouldn't tell me what he thought it is. I hope the pictures are clear enough for some help. Thank you all in advance. Mike


    Maybe the last pictures are better.









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