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Everything posted by Michaelr

  1. Ok just got home and took a few more pictures of my sword. I hope they are ok and please enjoy. MikeR
  2. Bruce the sword is mine and I will look at the other parts when I get home. I believe they all match. I will post pictures of everything as soon as I can. Thanks. MikeR
  3. Here are a couple more pictures that I had with me
  4. Thank you Ray,Tom and Brian. I am away from home right now but will post some pictures of the whole swords and mounts as soon as I get home.
  5. Sorry for the orientation. I thought they were vertical when I posted them. Is there a way to make them vertical? Thank you
  6. Hello and thank you in advance. I need help in reading the star stamped blade that I picked up in a package deal with some other Japanese stuff.
  7. Glad you found the sword. I will keep the photo on my phone though because I like it. Happy all ended well
  8. Great job Chris.I have watched the YouTube videos multiple times but have never tried it myself. Thank you for posting
  9. Sorry to hear stuff like this. I go to shows in Pennsylvania and have saved a picture to my phone. I will keep my eyes open and share the picture with others at the show. Good luck MikeR
  10. Ok I just found a picture of some of my swords mounted on my wall showing size differences. I am not home much but as soon as I can I will add some measurements. Thank you for looking
  11. Steve thank you for the picture, as they say it is worth a 1000 words. Sometimes it is hard to describe what you are looking at to someone that can’t see it themselves MikeR
  12. WOW Great job. You are very talented and do beautiful work. Thank you for sharing
  13. WOW!! That is beautiful. Congratulations MikeR
  14. Ray thank you so much for sharing this and most of all for the follow up of the paper cut out and further explanation. At first glance at the post I thought “ wow that’s really cool” then after the paper cut out follow up I was blown away. Again thank you. MikeR
  15. Thank you all for the Great Information. I am trying to learn and thanks to this forum and all the Great Members willing to share it makes it possible for us newbies. You guys rock MikeR
  16. Thank you Kurt for your quick response. MikeR
  17. A sword that I was looking at was made in the WW2 period and signed by Nagamitsu. I was told that it is a traditional made blade with a gunome-Choji Hamon. Then someone else said that if it is a Choji Hamon then it would be a non- traditional made blade. Can this be a traditional made blade? Thank you in advance MikeR
  18. Brian all well said. Thank you and I hope this ends this insanity MikeR
  19. Very cool Rich. Thank you for sharing. I would like to find a original copy of that report to see if the pictures might be better. Just something else to be on the look out for. MikeR
  20. Thank all of you for your help. Neil thank you for the pictures of your sword. That is exactly what I was looking at. Yours is beautiful. I am going to try and track the fellow down and see if I can buy it. If I do I will share the pictures here. Thanks again MikeR
  21. I just looked at Wakizashi that has me a bit puzzled. It is a traditionally made and signed blade ( maybe Edo period) in Gunto Mounts. The only thing is that the scabbard looked like the normal type 98 scabbard but it was made of wood. It was painted with the sand like finish and mounted like a type 98. You couldn't tell the difference until you picked it up and it felt much lighter. Was this a special order, or a earlier type? I haven't seen a wood scabbard in this configuration before. Sorry I couldn't get any pictures, the show was closing up when I spotted this one. Thank you in advance MikeR
  22. I am still at the hotel waiting for a early departure and a 15 hour ride home. The show was great and the people even better. Thank you to all the people there that treated me like a old friend and helped me with any of my questions. Thank you Ray for helping me with questions that I had with a purchase that I was considering. Thank you everyone for all of the GREAT seminars that were provided. This was my second year at this show with my friend Jim Colorado and I would recommend it to everyone no matter what stage of collecting you are at. Most of all a big thank you to Bob Elder for putting on such a First Class Show and always making me feel like a old friend. Ps thank you Mark and Mike for allowing me to make a last minute purchase that I am very proud to own THANK YOU BOB MikeR
  23. Hello Eric, I will be at the show helping a friend of mine with his tables. Today was pretty light on the public but lots of Great stuff to look at. There is a good mix and something for everyone. Saturday is usually a pretty busy day with lots of activity. Come on in and enjoy the show
  24. Michaelr

    Miniature Tachi

    Don’t know what it is but I love it. What a great find
  25. Michaelr


    WOW that’s beautiful
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