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Posts posted by Michaelr

  1. Kawa thank you very much for your very informative post. I am still very new to Nihonto and your post was so well written that even a beginner such as I could follow it and learn from it. Along the lines of what Babu said I also believe that anyone interested is Nihonto can learn from any quality blade with the hope of someday having the opportunity to study a Great Blade from a Great Master. Until then I enjoy and learn from the blades that I have. Again Thank You for the time you took in writing a Great Post.


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  2. Jeremiah, congratulations on your Great purchase. I posted back to Ray good luck with the sale and congratulations to the new owner about ten minutes after he posted it. I loved it!! I was still shaking my piggy bank out to try and put together the jingle when I saw you post SOLD. To say the least I didn’t sleep to good that night. Thank you for posting your follow up and more pictures as it is always nice to see someone excited and pleased with a new purchase. Ray is a Great guy and has helped me many times in the past. Again congratulations. 

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  3. Just my thoughts. As a novice in the Nihonto field I thought about your dilemma and what I would do if the sword were mine. I think that sometimes you have to look past a flaw or damage to a blade to see the original beauty of the blade. If you can look past this and imagine ( sometimes it takes more imagination than other times ) the original intent of the sword smith and the beauty that he instilled in the blade is all it takes. That being said I think for me I would have a window ( as large as possible without getting into a damaged area ) polished into the blade. After this I would be proud to display the blade with all of its condition problems, but a beautiful window showing the original beauty of the sword and the skill of the original sword smith. Rather than polish out some of that beauty or change the original configuration of the blade or loose any of the original Hamon, I would be very happy with a “before and after” knowing that I had a original treasure. Just my 2cents.


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  4. I think we are ALL Collectors. We just ALL collect different STUFF.  Some collect objects, some collect money, some collect pictures of their vacations. I think I am one of the Very Lucky Collectors here on the board. As a old time collector I have had a lot of nice stuff, as a newer member of Nihonto I have a very modest collection of Beautiful Japanese Swords ( with the help of some Great Members here ), as one of the older members ( in age) I have collected money and enjoyed it-then turned it into stuff that I enjoy more. So I don’t have much money, but I do have a lot of stuff. But the collection that I am most proud of is my Beautiful Family, my Beautiful Girlfriend and the Great People here on the board. Thank you to ALL and stay safe in these trying times.


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