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Posts posted by Michaelr

  1. Chris I know how you feel about spending a lot on accoutrements which could be put away to accumulate to a new sword But just my two cents, I would Never put a Repo anything on a original sword. For me it always sends up a red flag of what else is not right or fake. I would rather my swords have no tassel, which is perfectly ok, than be anywhere near a fake one. Your decision, your sword.

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  2. Just my two cents. In general, a lot also depends on The Person. First you can’t put a price on knowledge. Buy books, study blades, read this forum every chance you get and talk to as many knowledgeable people as you can. Look at as many blades in hand as you can. At this point try and I repeat TRY and decide WHAT YOU LIKE and which direction YOU would like to go in. If you can do that ( I couldn’t ) then you are off to a good start. I was told early on that a Blade Picks You, You Don’t Pick The Blade. Buy Only What YOU Like, if you don’t have enough money, SAVE. You are really the only one that can decide what a blade Is worth To YOU. I believe that if you purchase a blade just because someone else thinks it is the Best, or because it is at the top of the food chain, or it is priced so high that it must be good, BUT YOU DON’T LIKE, You will never really be happy with it. I know this doesn’t really answer your question and I agree with all the responses above and it is kinda nice to have some kind of idea, but just thought I would put it out there. Hope you always find the blades that make you happy and good luck in the future    

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  3. Ron although we were not able to do any business ( I was always to late )  I appreciated looking at all your sale items and reading your write ups. In the collecting world, for those interested and dedicated, with age comes wisdom. Time spent enjoying and studying leads to knowledge. Being able to examine examples of our interest over many years gives us a advantage the new/younger ones may never have. Books are a necessity and the new electronic world is invaluable, but being able to hold the items of interest in your have is the best learning experience. All of this comes with time and as time goes by we all age. Not all of us become smarter with age, but for those who do enjoy and retain the things that they have been lucky enough to have had that chance to hold, they are the truly lucky ones.  Glad you posted here and good luck with your future where ever it leads you.  Thank you for sharing   


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  4. I like paper. Like Ben said when I am steadying swords I like to have as many books out as my table will hold. I also like paper so that I can make my own notations for future reference. Yes it would be nice to be able to have both as a digital copy could be used as a quick reference while out and about. Maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s the old ( that’s me too ) saying, see it , feel it, hold it, Remember It. At least for me I seem to remember more if I read it from a hard copy. Just my two cents but I Like Books.


  5.  Nick Welcome. I am new to the Japanese Sword Field myself, about 10 years now.  This board is a Great place to star and stay with. Books Are A MUST. You must read All that you can but it really takes a blade in your hands, with someone by your side to explain the blade to make all that book knowledge make sense. A lot of times I find what is written, even in pictures hard to understand until someone helps me really look at a blade in person. Going forward you will have many questions and you came to the right place. Take your time. When you have read all that you can read, seen all that you can and held as many blades in your hand as possible you will almost be at the advanced beginner  stage. Good luck and happy hunting


  6. WOW Steve Great Sword. Thank you to you and Francois for posting the before and after pictures. What a difference. I have a couple blades that I think deserve a good polish but have a hard time seeing what the finished blade will look like. Maybe seeing yours will push me to do it.  Again great sword and congratulations on being the caretaker. 

  7. WOW YOU are a  very lucky person. And like Bruce said if you used these two swords as your whole Japanese Sword Collection you would be one of the lucky ones. As hopefully the new caretaker You have been handed a great task to care for these two swords as well as the former caretaker. Good luck and thank you so much for sharing. If you are looking to adopt a great son that would love to own these two swords I am available.    MikeR

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