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Posts posted by Michaelr

  1. I will try and get some pictures tonight. The blade is in shirasaya. Every sword has a story as does this one. My cousin was a officer  in the navy at the beginning of the Vietnam war and stationed in Japan. He told me that he went into a small shop and saw the sword standing in the corner. The man and woman shop owner didn’t speak much English so their son did most of the talking. The woman said that her brother was a guard in the factory and brought the sword home and gave it to her, two days later the factory was bombed and her brother was killed.  The woman didn’t want to sell it but after much talking to her husband and son finally agreed to sell it with a promise from my cousin that it had to be kept in the family. Also included in the sale was the original registration paper that they never turned in and because my cousin brought it back to the ship he never turned the paper in. Like I said every blade has a story and this is mine. I will post some pictures and hope you enjoy 

       Thanks. MikeR

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  2. A fellow about a hour away from me said that he has this sword and he thinks it’s from the 1600. He sent me this oshigata. I know it isn’t very good but can anyone make anything out? Thank you in advance.   MikeRF8806091-3B41-4C99-8CA3-DA738BA8E8AC.thumb.jpeg.5f10a69c90ad0774884d5a47c0325e6f.jpeg

  3. Hello everyone, I hope all is well or at least the best it can be for right now. My question is has anyone ever seen a Wakizashi signed by Nagamitsu? I have a couple Nagamitsu’s and was always told that he never signed/ made a Wakizashi. I had a fellow tell me today that he has both a Katana and a Wakizashi signed with Nagamitsu’s early signature and I believe he said they are both in type 94 mounts. The fellow is a sword guy and seems to know his stuff but this would be new to me.  Thank you for your Input. He is a 6 hour drive from me so I haven’t seen either sword


  4. Condolences to Bob’s family. The first time I met Bob at his Orlando Sword Show was about five years ago and he met me with a BIG grin and a firm handshake and made me feel like we had been friends forever. From that time on Bob always made sure that I had the table at his show where I wanted it and was ALWAYS glad to see me and greet me with that smile and handshake.  We all have people in our life that we call friends but Bob was a TRUE FRIEND to me and many others. He will be greatly missed. Go rest in a great place Bob as you deserve nothing but the best


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  5. JP, sorry to hear/ read your story.  NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE. This is a great place with many friends and many friends that have gone through similar situations or still are. If you ever need someone to speak with on the side feel free to PM me Anytime. I am just another guy but have found, in my short time here, that I have many friends here who give their time unlimitly when ever needed. Hope things turn around for you and you start to move forward. I think this is a good start.

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  6. I have been going to the Japanese Sword Show in Orlando for the past 4 years and I love it. It’s a Great Show. I would like to attend the Chicago but haven’t been able to make it there yet. I attended the Maxx show last year and there were very few swords there. I attended the SOS show for many years and it was always great but I haven’t been back for a few years, I hear it is still a very big show with something for everyone. I will be making my reservation for the Orlando Show as soon as they are available and hope to see everyone there.


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  7. Great question Edward, I am fairly new to the Japanese Sword world but thought I knew the answer, I didn’t. Thank you all for helping to clear this up. Thank you very much Chris for the link that made it all perfectly clear, GREAT reading. We will all keep learning from others and that is what makes this forum and the people here the ABSOLUTE BEST.


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