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Everything posted by b.hennick

  1. I agree. They will be bought, enhanced, and resold many times.
  2. I too collect tsuba and live in Ontario Canada.
  3. This is an amazing opportunity for those of you who collect in this area. It is rare to see swords like these for sale. It is not my area of collecting or I would be gathering funds for a special purchase. Good move Eric and Matt. There will be hard work ahead. I wish you both the best.
  4. Thanks Jussi! This is a very good exercise.
  5. If he was not good, he would not have a backlog.
  6. Snow flakes for sure. I am not sure if those are clouds or some corrosion...
  7. Welcome Todd! You are off to a good start.
  8. b.hennick

    Unique Tsuba

    I would call it the good bye wave tsuba.
  9. How about a messedwith Tenbo tsuba? When in doubt go Shoami.
  10. As I wrote in February, Fred Geyer is a stand up guy.
  11. Husband's family and wife's family wedding present?
  12. Miikie blades often have a very wide bohi. You can see one here:
  13. You can hire Kelly Schmidt to do that for you.
  14. It was never my sword. I was just trying to help someone learn about his sword.
  15. Hi Bruce: I hope that you are aware of the translation of a book on Yasakuni blades on the JSSUS website. Here isa link http://www.jssus.org/yasakunito.pdf
  16. Keith not Kieth ... :-)
  17. Both Brian Tschernaga and John Tirado can do the work. Brian can also probably get you matching fittings with the motif you want. High quality work is not cheap. Both have never disappointed me.
  18. I agree with Ray. When you look at the photo of the full blade on the left, it shows the effects of being polished down far more than on the right. It could be that blister close to the surface broke open and they decided to polish that side down to get rid of the blister. Looking at the blade's mune should confirm that or not. I have seen different hamon on both sides of the blade but not two quite different hada.
  19. Bob your collection continues to impress! Well done. I look forward to seeing what you have for us each day.
  20. Ron keeps his word. He is not kidding. He values his word more greatly than any Sale.
  21. Grey Doffin sells a set of kanji cards. One side shows the kanji and the back shows the translation. It is an easy way to pick up kanji used in signing a sword. You can take a part of the deck with you and study that part when you have time. After a while your mind remembers them. Sword terminology can take longer to learn.
  22. I knew that I had seen that motif before. Here is an iron tsuba that I have that is very similar. There is a thi line outlinig the jingasa.
  23. I would be interested in the tsuba if it did not have the holes. The holes are too high a hurdle for me. I once saw a table that was decorated with tsuba nailed around the outside of the table. It made me very sad. Each had two holes similar to the ones in the above tsuba.
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