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Everything posted by b.hennick

  1. Guido I enjoyed and learned from your article on koshirae. It had both breadth and depth. Let me take this opportunity to wish you the best of the season. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I look forward to purchasing the book when it has been published.
  2. Not my kind of thing. I would rather have a sword he owned than his calligraphy.
  3. KaneYoshi
  4. I bought some menuki that were reproduction from Daimyo51 aka Hanamoto san. I returned them almost a year ago and still have not recveived my refund. I have emailed him many many times. Some sellers sell reproductions and just don't care.
  5. It has been a long week Please help translate this mei. Someone asked me to translate it but I am just beat... Thanks
  6. You will find that shinsakuto are as expensive or more expensive than many antiques.
  7. I like to clean the inside of a habaki when I get a new sword. Often there is a buildup inside the habaki. I never mess with the patina on the outside. To clean the inside I use a Q-tip and some lighter fluid as the solvent. It is amasing how dirty a habaki can be.
  8. I purchased a pair of menuki form him on ebay. They turned out to be reprductions. When I email him he told me to return them for a refund. I mailed them to him months and months ago - still no refund He does not resond to my emails and pretends ignorance of this transaction gone bad. Perhaps he is sooo busy that I got lost in the shuffle. I will continue to warn others against doing business with Daimyo54.
  9. Thank you for the translation. I have looked the smith up but find no information. Do you know when he worked? Since I have not seen the blade I can not judge jidai.
  10. Can you please look at the image of the mei below and provide a translation? I can only get two characters and I am not sure of those ....yoshi..saku
  11. I looked all around the site and could not find the catalogue. Where exactly is it? Thanks,
  12. Thank you! I should have known Yasu as all Yasukuni shrine smiths use it. The mitsu also looked a little strange to me.
  13. This mei should be an easy one but each characer looks different from what I usually see. At first gllance I came up with Katsumitsu. Both characters are different from the usual forms of those characters. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. If you check the jSSUS Newsletters of last year you will find a review of the book Japanese Patinas.
  15. I bought a pair of menuki that turned out to be reproduction. I complained and was asked to return them to him. I mailed them back and he has never repiad my money. I have contacted him again recently and he asked me to explain the whole matter again. If in the end I do receive my refund I would be happy. I would note that he says something like "return is not possible". So he did make a concession when I told him the menuki were identical to each other and reproductions. He did offer to take them back.
  16. I often fly with swords into the US and back to Canada. I just put them in my luggage. Sometimes someone wants to look at a sword but there is no problem with flying with swords -as long as you don't try to take the sowrd on the plane as carry-on luggage!
  17. It is with deep sadness that I wish to inform of the passing of Herman Wallinga. His broad smile, strong handshake and good humour will be greatly missed by those who knew him. Herman wrote a wonderful article on Minatogawa jinja blades. He was a Director of the JSSUS and a leader in the Rochester Sword Study Group. His advice and counsel were always appreciated and well thought out. May his memory be a blessing for all.
  18. Thursday I am off to the San Francisco Sword show. :D I have recently bought a great blade and so have to sell a lot to pay for it. I will be bringing some things that were in my collection for a long time. All you Hizen collectors out there look out for some good Hizento. I will also have well priced fittings and some things to share. Please drop by and introduce yourself.
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