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Everything posted by b.hennick

  1. Some books are worth reading more than once. This is one of them. The more you know the more you can glean from the book.
  2. All help appreciated.
  3. This is so sad. So many great memories flood back . When Darcy was passing through Toronto we would often get together. He would leave treasures for me to study until he returned. A Go and a koBizen, two fabulous swords were left for study one weekend. On another visit he gave me a photography lesson. Great discussions, great finds - he shared so much. My eyes are tearing up as I write this. His reach was far, his knowledge was great, his friendship will be missed be me and so many others. Condolences to all affected by him.
  4. Do I see a book of photos in your future?
  5. Thanks Jussi I didn't know that about numbers. Is it true for fittings as well?
  6. I think that you should wait until after the juyo shinsa to get a sayagaki. The fact that it got juyo can be part of the sayagaki.
  7. A photo of the tsuka would complete the package.
  8. b.hennick

    Kantei is easy

    Kantei is easy when you do not know much. In fact it may take years to get the period of making the sword correct. Learning the gokaden (five main schools) seems to be easy but it is not. There is also a sixth school - shinto. In my sword club we do group kantei. The groups (two or three groups of 5-6 people) discuss each sword and tries to come to consensus. After discussing each sword, the group reaches a decision on each blade. Next each sword is discussed in turn. The groups present their decision and reasoning. The person who is running the meeting talks about the choices made and adds information to confirm the kantei. People learn from the kantei. My best learning experience occurred when Michael Haggenbush discussed the kantei of swords that we tried to kantei ourselves. Michael, would read our answer and then explain what we saw and what we missed. It was amazing. I miss Michael. He taught me at every show we both attended. He was amazing at kantei.
  9. Congrats Davey! Well earned , well deserved - about time!
  10. Thanks so much! I hope that the fever passes early and easily.
  11. Hi Dan He is not a reputable dealer. Whenever I see that he is the vendor I just move on. Pm me if you want details.
  12. The door is wide open. Welcome back.
  13. Sad news indeed! RIP Bob. Condolences to the family.
  14. Baby powder or corn starch both work well. You need to brush away the excess. After photography, you need to remover the rest of the powder.
  15. Welcome Paz! Lots to learn and see here. I look forward to seeing your contributions.
  16. Welcome Khalid and John you are both starting the year off right.
  17. It is difficult to add more to what had been written in thoughtful replies. I wish you well, I missed your contributions. Your journey is a tough one. There is no need to appologise for travelling along that difficult road. Our thoughts and wishes are with you.
  18. Sad news indeed. Please pass on condolences to his wife and family. The respect you show reflect well on the family. Let's hope that 2022 will have fewer losses and a better life world wide.
  19. They publish books of Juyo and Tokubetsu juyo blades and fittings.
  20. Thank you both for the speedy reply. Have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
  21. I would appreciate assistance with the translation of the inscriptions on the nakago.
  22. Bruce you would be providing the details needed to improve the fakes. I worry about being so specific.
  23. There is a club in Toronto at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, where we have meetings. Whenever, I see a Canadian on nmb I send them a pm providing some information on the club. If they show interest I add them to our email list. I also send them some recent emails sent to members. At our first meeting since the start of the pandemic we had two new file come to the meeting.
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