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Everything posted by b.hennick

  1. Thank you for the clarification, Steve.
  2. Thanks for your continuing efforts. They are much appreciated. I hope that this summarizes where we are at currently: From the left line, top to bottom: 三つ胴切落物集女九兵衛(花押) Cut through three bodies... Right line seems to be a zodiac year, month, and day: 承應元年壬辰十二月拾八日梅津於尼崎 Shō’ō/Jō'ō 1 (1652) Dragon (Zodiac Branch) February (poetic name for month)
  3. Thank you to all who have contributed so far. I appreciate your efforts. Please keep at it.
  4. This sword has more than just a mei on the nakago. All help will be appreciated.
  5. It seems to me that you need to contact the police. Fraud had been committed. They should arrest the seller.
  6. There is a mumei juyo Koto Senjuin wakizashi. It is not Mino. If I remember correctly it had a sayagaki to Norishige.
  7. There is a mumei juyo Senjuin wakizashi.
  8. Allen Presley was the President of a sword club in Rochester New York in the 1990s. It was called Mu To Kai. He was an engineer and a very good researcher in Japanese swords. The Rochester group was an excellent sword club. I miss the many members who have deceased over the years. The last meeting that I attended was pre-covid.
  9. Tada... Thanks Dale. I never took a photo of it. It is not something that I would want in my collection.
  10. I have seen a tsuba made from a gold pocket watch cover. The choices side faces the tsuka.
  11. 👍 👍 Beautiful! Thanks!
  12. I was happy that Tanobe sensei left the patina on part of the shirasaya. It took hundreds of years to get that colour.
  13. I'm not sure that cedar is the right kind of wood to make a saya or tsuka
  14. I hope that you and your family managed with Helene and the aftermath of that event. There is a sword show in Orlando. You could go there, see many swords and come home with the sword. No shipping, no waiting and you will have a lot of choice. Many members of NMB will be at the show. Between now and then you will have an opportunity to learn more about swords.
  15. Great work Martin! I like the koshirae very much and agree with Curran's feelings about the tsuka wrap.
  16. I like the koshirae a lot. 👍👍
  17. Fuchi kashira and fuchigashira They mean the same thing but when joined the k becomes a g
  18. Thank you Marcus! Many of us supported Ford and encouraged his work. He still brings joy to me and to many others who have his work. When I go into my den, I always look at the tsuba Ford made and the one he restored. One of our sword club members studied with Ford and learned to make excellent tsuba and to restore tsuba. Rest in peace, Ford. Your students will carry on your methods and dedication.
  19. Wait for next August and go to the show in San Francisco. Take your blades to the show.
  20. Welcome to the forum. Post requests for information to one sword. After the discussion slows post a second sword.
  21. I often found that if you set a tsuka on a tsuba you get a different view and feeling.
  22. 👍👍
  23. b.hennick

    Ko tosho tsuba...

    Period and comma...big comma
  24. I am looking for a rather plain copper kozuka with or without the kogatana. The fittings are below and show the colour that I need.
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