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Posts posted by Katsujinken

  1. If you’re sending the blade for a polish you’d want to acquire an agent in Japan and have Aoi send the blade to that person. 

    That person would also handle shinsa for you. It’s just an order of operations thing. 

    Re: the polish, it’s always tough to tell from Aoi’s “photos”.  Always ask for photos in natural light. I think what we have here is possibly an old sashikomi polish and/or simply an old polish on a low grade sword. I wouldn’t call it out of polish per se. 

  2. I agree with what others have said. This blade isn’t going up the NBTHK ladder any further (otherwise it surely would have being in Japan for a long time). So unless you’re head over heels in love with it you can do better. If you love it and you’ve got the scratch no one should judge. 

    I have great respect for the proprietor of this shop, but his prices are fully retail on a good day. 

  3. True kirikomi absolutely do not devalue a blade. They are not a flaw like a ware, for example. They are part of a blade's history. Some collectors simply do not like them all that much for personal / aesthetic reasons. But my personal opinion is that a kirikomi should not be polished out. Doing so would require way too much change to the geometry of the sword. It would be a mistake. It would be better to pass the sword on to a collector that enjoys kirikomi and find a more pristine blade if that's your style.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Darkcon said:

    Kaneyuki (there were some photos posted awhile back),  not Kaneuji. Autocorrect can stir up some serious problems 




    OH! My apologies.


    So both of the koto Kaneyuki in Fujishiro (Eikyo and Shitoku) are chujo smiths. Do you have a feeling about which one may be yours? Or perhaps another one? If it’s Shinto (I can’t recall the photo), I’m afraid the odds are against you.


    Regardless chujo and Juyo don’t often go hand in hand. Not trying to rain on your parade!

  5. 1 hour ago, Darkcon said:

    Well I posted 1 which is a guarantee.  The other are Shizu and some more Shizu. Well different papers than NBTHK so plenty of speculation AND plenty of desire. Understandable i hope.




    John, out of curiosity, which blade are you referring to here?


    And are you saying you’re holding a blade signed by Shizu Kaneuji?

  6. 45 minutes ago, Winchester said:

    If someone was planning to set aside around $10K, what would be the best bang for the buck, so-to-speak?


    Would you go "all in" on a very nice katana or prescribe to the thought of more is better? Thanks in advance.

    Quality over quantity, always. 

    Quality offers more to study and learn from and will hold its value better, meaning you can trade up with greater ease. 

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