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Posts posted by Katsujinken

  1. Actually most folks on this board are financially in your "bracket", Adam! 🙂


    However, you will find a preference for quality over quantity because quality is ultimately more instructive over time (especially when coupled with books and trips to Japan, where you are likely to see a lot more good swords).

    • Like 1
  2. Just to be clear, 'saku' is not part of the smith's name. It essentially means 'made this.'


    Ted Tenold (http://www.legacyswords.com/) is another polisher who is 100% legitimate and does great work. Do you know how to properly care for the blade in the meantime?


    If not here is a good primer: http://nbthk-ab.org/cleaning-maintenance.php


    Ignore anything about uchiko – you don't need it and shouldn't use it.


    Good luck!

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  3. 18 minutes ago, AntiquarianCat said:

    I hope this doesn’t sound rude to either side in this debate (apologies if so I admit I’m ignorant and this is just a though) but wouldn’t a Komonjo fitted in koshirae be a good compromise? I’ve never used swords for martial arts but I have a Komonjo and my impression is as far as having good geometry, balance, heat treatment, appearance etc they compare very favorably to non Japanese production swords; but at the same time, since they’re made in large amounts with likely shortcuts or machine assistance, have no provenance and might be gimei it’s not the same as risking an irreplaceable art sword. Also they’re much cheaper than shinsakuto and new ones are always sold.


    Truthfully I don't see it as a debate in the first place if everyone understands the semantics the same way. Your idea is totally valid. It really is a personal choice that is based on priorities, budget, and many other factors. I would never use an antique nihonto for martial arts. A shinsakuto made specifically for that purpose however is simply another tool. As I and others have said, plenty of shinsakuto exist or are commissioned specifically for martial arts use. 


    For example, this sword was likely made with martial arts in mind: https://www.toukenkomachi.com/index_en_tachi&katana_A030720.html


    It's in a 'batto polish,' iai koshirae (no shirasaya), and has ubu-ba. And with a quick search you can find art swords made by Ogawa Kanekuni that were never meant to be used.


    This daisho that Joe posted definitely was not made for martial arts use: http://sanmei.com/contents/media/A58786-7_S2229_PUP_E.html?fbclid=IwAR3sIBjfH4045wDc7niYzgdwkTW2EaOWYfbDk-HN4gaYe59_9Wq-f5EoB6M


    And here is a sword made by the same smith who made the daisho that absolutely was intended to be used: http://www.osaka-ryujindo.jp/Table/Page/201404/23154330/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0dMO18FuKkZF3QAoBwllwFMrvxMrHb9nr8vg0CquOdf_hZGGvJxgn8LA8


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  4. 4 minutes ago, Greg F said:

    Michael this place is about preservation of Nihonto not the destruction of it.

    I don't believe there is much of a difference in feel apart from knowing your cutting with Nihonto. 

    There are excellent cutters made in China that do the job just fine but we are probably wasting our time trying to change your mind as it sounds like you've done it already.

    You say you can find swords made for training if you know where to look. Well if you know where to look why ask here where you know its about Nihonto preservation.

    Ultimately your going to do what you want but I hope you change your mind.  

    Greg, there’s a huge difference between historical / art sword nihonto and everyday shinsakuto made for actual use. What do you think everyone in Japan uses? There are gradations of quality in materials, workmanship, and finishing, all of which create a spectrum from tool to heirloom. 

    I agree nihonto should be preserved, but there’s also nuance in there that should be acknowledged. 


    • Like 4
  5. That’s a longer conversation, but suffice it to say that many swords are made to be used and the line between training tool and art is clear if you know where to look. 

    Chinese and other production swords are simply not the same for a variety of reasons – especially in terms of feel – and it really does impact the training. 

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  6. I am looking for a shinsakuto in koshirae suitable for batto.

    I am especially interested in blades made by either Ikeda Norihisa (池田法久) or Fujiwara Motohisa (藤原元久). 

    Nagasa needs to be 2.3 or 2.35 shaku (69-72 cm, give or take). 

    Please get in touch if you’ve got something I should see. 


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  7. Nice work. The right way to begin. How long is the blade (cutting edge / nagasa)?


    I believe smiths generally had to get permission to engrave the kikumon on their nakago (it's the imperial chrysanthemum after all), and so it was an honor to be able to do so. 


    Welcome, Jason!

  8. 23 minutes ago, PietroParis said:

    Did you buy it? Congratulations! It was in my watching list but it went above my current budget (after factoring in shipping and customs). BTW how do you read the two kanji between mumei and Umetada?

    Yes I got it. And that’s part of what I’m wondering. My Japanese is not nearly good enough to figure out what the NBTHK is saying here. 

    In any case, I bought it because I have a weakness for nice iron plate and sukashi of ume or sakura. Figured it was a good deal for a power tsuba. 


    What do you think of it?

  9. I agree the shape says shinto, and I can’t explain why the nakago would have so many holes. I don’t see anything to imply an older shape, especially at this length. With a 75 cm nagasa to work with I’d expect to see more curvature somewhere. 

    Is this machi-okuri, folks?


    In any case, it’s a neat package, and I imagine the blade would clean up nicely if you ever head in that direction (but don’t expect a return on your investment). 

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