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Everything posted by Windy

  1. Many thanks Grey. What is the date?
  2. Anyone got any ideas re the saya and kabutogane/sarute? I think the saya and leather cover are very similar to the one shown in Dawson’s on page 209, chapter on civilian swords in military use. The kabutogane and sarute are of much lower quality than my other two Type 98s. The tsuba is quite nice, I not sure if the pics show it well, but some of the detail is in silver and gold. The tassel is in really good condition, 51cm in length. I’m toying with the idea of carefully flattening out the chit to get a pic of the kanji. All in all, it seems an odd sword....I’d love to know it’s story.
  3. Number 4 in my collection, first with a tassel. Not sure about the saya? Whats likely to be written on the cotton surrender chit? There are black ink/painted kanji.
  4. Trying to get other pics on, but files are too big. Working on it.
  5. Picked this up this week. Not really sure what it’s all about. Signed Seki blade in partial Type 98 mounts and civilian tsuba and saya. Officer tassel and surrender tag.
  6. That stinks.
  7. Dunno...let’s ask him.....
  8. Great work Bruce. Maybe Brian should invent some kind of badge for efforts such as this?
  9. I have a Dec ‘41 blade in Type 3 mounts by Akihisa. No star stamp, or any other stamps. Is a fine sword.
  10. Given the date of mine, I’ve always put the lack of star stamp down to that. A fairly auspicious date though!
  11. Interesting stuff, thanks George. My Dec 1941 Akihisa has no star stamp. However, I haven’t viewed the nakago since acquiring it (I trust the seller and went by his photos pre sale). Maybe I shall have a look for any evidence of the other stamps mentioned.
  12. Would love to join you in a libation Bruce, but the missus is close to dropping no1 child, so I’m on high alert. But cheers anyway!
  13. Nice mons in the menuki of the smaller one. Not seen that before.
  14. Nothing like that in Hawleys Mon.
  15. My knowledge is extremely limited, so what’s my 2p worth? However, I have a design degree, so I like to think I have an eye for detail..... To me, the floral work around the fuchi is off centre, looks wrong. Is this something a Japanese craftsman would have produced? Tsuka is shocking, but could just be a very bad stab at a restoration?
  16. I have two Type 98s. One has nicer bits than the other. So it’s not impossible to believe that the quality ranged greatly?My two examples, look at the difference in the detail....
  17. I think Chris was talking about it’s slightly unusual design. Here is what is considered to be the regular pattern (I think?!). This is my Kojima Kunifusa in Type 98 fittings.
  18. Well, it just went for £1,500 hammer price. That’s £1,914 with commission (I think).
  19. Ah, cheers. Have heard it referenced many times.
  20. No doubt a daft question, but what book is that Stephen?
  21. Lovely sword. Who did the polish? I’ve got an Akihisa in Type 3 mounts, in fairly acceptable WWII polish. Often wonder about getting her some love?
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