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Everything posted by EdWolf

  1. Hi Sam, Looks like a modified Sam Browne military belt. Take a look at the following site https://www.sellingantiques.co.uk/891189/19th-century-brown-leather-sam-browne-military-belt-by-moss-bros-in-superb-condition Hope this helps. Regards, Ed
  2. My guess a type 94 with the curved tsuka. Sometimes seen on early swords.
  3. Congratulations! Nice sword.
  4. Congratulations John, a very nice sword and a beautiful addition.
  5. Thank you Stephen! That's very kind of you. I have been lucky. Regards, Ed
  6. Hi Volker, I was also thinking of Tsuguhiro. Just by comparing the following blade at uniquejapan.com. It shows a lot of similarities. https://new.uniqueja...tsuguhiro-wakizashi/ I'm by far an expert and maybe other members can jump in. Regards, Ed
  7. Thanks Dee, The length of the nagasa is 64 cm. Regards, Ed
  8. The curved tsuka is in line with the curve of the blade. Gives it a pleasant look. And because we militaria collectors like details a picture of the centered release button.
  9. Just noticed the low quality of the scaled image in my initial post.
  10. Just to show my latest addition. Old blade, suriage. Signed omi (no) kami ____. The fittings are very nice and show little wear.
  11. Recently I have picked up a nice gunto with a lacquered tsuba.
  12. There is more but I can only read the date.
  13. Showa 18 (1943)
  14. EdWolf

    Beautiful kogai

    I was thinking of a incense burner myself but it is quite an unusual subject. I'm very happy with it. Thanks for all the positive feedback!
  15. Just received some additional pictures.
  16. EdWolf

    Beautiful kogai

    Yesterday, I was at a militaria show. I had an appointment with a dealer to look at a Gunto sword he had for sale. The seller also had this beautiful kogai. I found it very attractive so I made the deal and bought both. Although the kogai is not signed the craftsmanship is above average. To share my excitement just a few pictures. Feel free to comment. Regards, Ed
  17. My friend is a very experienced collector and was also a dealer for almost 45 years. I will ask for pictures of the blade. Hopefully he will share it with us. Regards, Ed
  18. Thank you all for your helping me. That's an early dated blade. The blade is not mine but from an old friend. He bought the blade many years ago (30+) and was wondering about the signature. Thanks again for all the help. Regards, Ed
  19. Is it possible to read the tachi mei and date of this blade? The pictures are not great and the signature and date are hardly visible. Thanks in advance. Regards, Ed
  20. @Ray Singer Thank you very much for your help.
  21. A part of the signature is cut off but I want to know the first part of the signature. The picture is bad but it's the only one I have at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Regards, Ed
  22. Looks like a WW1 German shell. Dicke Bertha howitzer shell. https://www.kaisersbunker.com/cc/cc16.htm
  23. @xiayang Thanks a lot for your help! Regards, Ed
  24. Need help with the translation. I have tried to read it but it doesn't make sense. I'm probably wrong but this is what I found. Ishihara ju toshi... Saku?
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