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EdWolf last won the day on December 9 2024

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About EdWolf

  • Birthday October 4

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Hi Sam, Looks like a modified Sam Browne military belt. Take a look at the following site https://www.sellingantiques.co.uk/891189/19th-century-brown-leather-sam-browne-military-belt-by-moss-bros-in-superb-condition Hope this helps. Regards, Ed
  2. My guess a type 94 with the curved tsuka. Sometimes seen on early swords.
  3. Congratulations! Nice sword.
  4. Congratulations John, a very nice sword and a beautiful addition.
  5. Thank you Stephen! That's very kind of you. I have been lucky. Regards, Ed
  6. Hi Volker, I was also thinking of Tsuguhiro. Just by comparing the following blade at uniquejapan.com. It shows a lot of similarities. https://new.uniqueja...tsuguhiro-wakizashi/ I'm by far an expert and maybe other members can jump in. Regards, Ed
  7. Thanks Dee, The length of the nagasa is 64 cm. Regards, Ed
  8. The curved tsuka is in line with the curve of the blade. Gives it a pleasant look. And because we militaria collectors like details a picture of the centered release button.
  9. Just noticed the low quality of the scaled image in my initial post.
  10. Just to show my latest addition. Old blade, suriage. Signed omi (no) kami ____. The fittings are very nice and show little wear.
  11. Recently I have picked up a nice gunto with a lacquered tsuba.
  12. There is more but I can only read the date.
  13. Showa 18 (1943)
  14. EdWolf

    Beautiful kogai

    I was thinking of a incense burner myself but it is quite an unusual subject. I'm very happy with it. Thanks for all the positive feedback!
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