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Blagoy last won the day on March 9 2018

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    Nihonto, Ukiyo-e, Horimono/Irezumi and Martial arts.

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  1. Maybe you will like this one https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1769977881/?playlistId=tt7451284&ref_=tt_ov_vi
  2. It's a reprint from 70s, so close the topic
  3. Hello dear forum members! A few days ago in one antiqe shop I found "The Lady Tomimoto Toyohina Reading a Letter" by Kitagawa Utamaro. I believe that the print is original, not a reprint later version. The condition is not perfect and has some issues, but it's a rare one. The print was a gift from a Japanese diplomat to Bulgarian diplomat in 1979, аnd there is a dedication written with a pencil on cardboard in Bulgarian language. This particular print it's in collection of Metropolitan Museum of Art and Ota memorial museum of art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/60026547 http://www.ukiyoe-ota-muse.jp/eng/collection/list11 Any guesses about authenticity and value? Best regards, Blagoy
  4. One more dragonfly.
  5. It's definitely gimei. A lots of missmatch in the mei. Cheers, Blagoy Kirilov
  6. Matt, thank you for your effort and your help! I will make a research. Thanks again!
  7. Hello gentlemen, I'd be glad if someone help me with the translation of this wakizashi mei. It's just pop-up from one kitchen knives dealer in my country. I think it's Shinto, Kanbun. It have decent polish and new shirasaya and habaki but no paper, and its probably gimei, sinse comes from Japan just few days ago.
  8. Markus, thank you for Juyo description. And I'am feel sorry for disturbing you in this thread!
  9. This is very unusual for the era. I've seen such kind of blade only in wakizashi and tanto, made way later. If my memory serve me well, Markus Sesko have article about this style of blade. That's why this particular blade is very rare.
  10. Hello First of all thanks for assistance. Blade is out of polish and can't see any activity. Have bo-hi from both sides and deep sori. Тhe kissaki is broken, but I don't think boshi is affected. Generally is in very bad shape. Tsuba is very nice silver and i want to buy the blade just because tsuba but price of 1000 € is very high. I will stay away from this.
  11. 保昌國光 ? I'm not sure about first kanji, but think the second is right
  12. Hello gentlemen, I found this wakizashi at antique store near to my work. It's in bad shape but have mei and I will be grateful if help me! Posted in the wrong place. Please move to the translation section
  13. Blagoy

    True Muramasa

    The mei has nothing to do with the real Muramasa.
  14. Blagoy

    True Muramasa

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