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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. @Bruce Pennington This Blade #160869 might be transferred to Nagoya Arsenal for completion or repurposed and sent to Nagoya Arsenal for rework. Initially, it was expected to have an Ijima band and iron tsuba. The last batch produced by Ijima spanned from serial number 159031 to 161752. Around serial number 160075, they transitioned to using steel guards. Ijima halted production in March 1945 due to B-29 bombings.
  2. @Kiipu Correction In the Chinese lunar calendar, 9月9日(九月初九)重陽 in 1938 should be October 31st. https://wannianrili....-10-31__wannianrili/ PS: 人日 正月初七 1938年2月6日 上巳 三月初三 1938年4月3日 端午 五月初5五 1938年6月2日 七夕 七月初七 1938年8月2日
  3. I think It should be 節句 instead of 節旬
  4. I'm with Steve,It should be 節句 instead of 節旬 昭和十三(1938) 戊寅(The year of the tiger) 旧(Old/Former-lunar calendar) 節句(Sekku) 吉日(Auspicious/Lucky day). The 五節句(Five Sekku")refer to specific traditional Japanese celebrations: 人日(Jinjitsu)on January 7th, 上已(Jōshi)on March 3rd, 端午(Tango)on May 5th, 七夕(Tanabata)on July 7th, and 重陽(Chōyō)on September 9th. 1938年昭和13年の節句・五節句 節句 日付 旧暦 人日の節句(じんじつのせっく) 1月7日(金曜日)(大安) 1937年12月6日 上巳の節句(じょうしのせっく) 3月3日(木曜日)(先負) 1938年2月2日 端午の節句(たんごのせっく) 5月5日(木曜日)(先負) 1938年4月6日 七夕の節句(たなばたのせっく・しちせきのせっく) 7月7日(木曜日)(先負) 1938年6月10日 重陽の節句(ちょうようのせっく) 9月9日(金曜日)(仏滅) 1938年7月16日 Based on the traditional calendar, December 6th, 1937, appears favorable for construction, but it did not align precisely with the 戊寅年. February 2nd, 1938, seems inauspicious for various activities. It's advisable to avoid construction on April 6th and June 10th. July 16th, 1938, (重陽), is suitable for ceremonies, blessings, trading, and similar activities. However, there's no specific mention of its suitability for construction. Therefore, July 16th, 1938 (重陽), seems the most probable date for consideration.
  5. @Bruce Pennington
  6. The hiragana written in white paint appears to resemble the pronunciation of '特二' (トク二)。
  7. As per my observations, most of these Chinese-made Gunto swords didn't bear 應 marks, especially in the case of the lowest quality, simplified versions that have an 'emergency' appearance.
  8. It should be "Edokko (江戶子)" who proposed it in this thread. The Kanji 應 is an older style of the Kanji 応, which is most likely a shortened form of 応急 meaning "emergency," similar to those emergency T-99 rifles marked with 応. https://www.gunboard...356639/#post-2950116
  9. Japanese swords often have inscriptions like 應XXX需" or 應需XXX (As the needs of/"as required by someone) as part of their sword inscriptions. 應小林氏需-As the needs of the Kobayashi family 應鈴木照雲師需- As the request of Master Suzuki Shouun 應需 畑俊六閣下- As required by His Excellency Shunroku Hata (Field Marshal) 應需 畑俊六閣下- As required by His Excellency Shunroku Hata (Field Marshal)
  10. This is a military sword produced in China during the later stages of World War II, intended for use by puppet government officials. The character "應" mark should correspond to 應需(as needed)rather than 應急(emergency). Some of these swords were given as gifts to U.S. deployed military staff and observers..
  11. It doesn't look like it's a Zoheito, it looks more like a Koto.
  12. I'm interested in purchasing the book 'Japanese MILITARY BAYONETS & MACHETES' 3rd Edition by Jerry L Price. If anyone has a copy available for sale, please contact me. Thanks Trystan
  13. It should be a sword given to the Chinese police by a puppet government official. However, the sword fittings don't resemble those of a typical Chinese collaboration sword. It's an interesting one. 縣警備隊幹部訓練所畢業第一名獎品 First Place Award for County Police Reserve Officer Training School Graduates @xiayang covered the other inscription already. Here is the bio about Lishaowei 李滂(Li Pang),近代藏書家、學者(modern bibliophile and scholar.)。字少微(Courtesy name-Shao wei)。江西九江人,李盛鐸第十子。幼年承父家教,“性嗜縹緗,舊刻名抄尤所心契”,遇到古籍即喜藏庋,並通讀其父所藏曆代經籍志錄,對歷代藏書故實頗感興趣,早年曾隨父在外購藏、鑑定古籍。精於目錄版本之學,曾著有《千元考》,又應邵瑞彭之聘,在開封主講《近世藏書家概略》,曾説“治校勘目錄之學者,不能不仰資於版本,版本之學重,則藏書家之歷史有不可不知矣”。1934年,任北平國民大學教授,主講《目錄學》課程。1937年,日寇侵華,曾在天津任日偽官員(In 1937, during the Japanese invasion of China, he served as a Japanese puppet official in Tianjin.)其家藏書處曰“鄴亭”,延其父藏書樓名有“木犀軒”。1939年底,不堪日寇炮火及日軍文化販子之侵擾,將“木犀軒”藏書以40萬元出售,由北京大學文學院購藏,部分藏書印有“李滂少微”朱方印。主編有《鄴亭瞥觀錄》稿本,未刊。
  14. Bruce It should be 495 四九五
  15. To me, it looks like 兼高 Kanetaka.
  16. Thanks John!
  17. John Do you have a photo that includes all the stamped numbers, painted numbers, and Roman numerals together?
  18. @Bruce Pennington The tang of this Kai appears to be stamped with 天 118
  19. It's a Chinese repro
  20. Bruce Here is #34
  21. It looks legit, but perhaps the brass tsuba was a period parts swap.
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