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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. Bruce Here is my other 6 Mantetsu. 1. 昭和甲申春 滿鐵鍛造之   セ 二五七五 (Type 3 Mount) 2. 昭和壬午秋 興亚一心 滿鐵作 ヤ 七九(Type 98 Mount) 3. 昭和葵末春 滿鐵鍛造之 エ 三六七(Type 98 Mount) 4. 昭和壬午秋 興亞一心 滿鐵作 ク 三二七(Type 98 Mount with leather cover) 5. 昭和壬午春 興亞一心 滿鐵謹作 ウ 九九(Type 98 Mount) 6. 昭和葵末春 滿鐵鍛造之 メ 八七(Type 98 Mount)
  2. looks good to me
  3. looks good to me so far.
  4. The one in type 98 mount has beautiful wavy hamon instead straight hamon .It also has black scabbard.
  5. You were askin me if these 2 mantetsu both KOA Isshin or not ,so I post the tang to show you, type 3 is not KOA Isshin,98 is KOAIsshin.
  6. I post the numbers on my other post already!
  7. Bruce Type 3 without Koa Isshin.98 has.These 2 of mine are in my friend's place.I will get my others out and take some photos for you when I have time next week.
  8. Sorry for not reply your message sooner,I was out of country and very busy for about 2 month.
  9. Neil,did you got my message/Email?
  10. Left from top to buttom reads:陸軍卷(Army Wrap)。Right from top to bottom reads?天(Maybe abbreviation for Ten Sho Zan天照山?)and 九(Nine).
  11. 以真铁(Use real steel)正次(Mastsugu)锻之(Forging it)
  12. It is a Mentetsu,but I'm out for biz trip for Month.I can check the Numbers along with my other 5 Mantetsu when I get home.
  13. looks like 十二月八日
  14. Bruce Thanks for sharing!
  15. 石原義定 Ishihara Yoshisada
  16. Even with mismatched scabbard ,it's still a complete Copper Handle NCO 95,very nice!
  17. come with bothersome ghost sounds scary...
  18. 賞 for 獎賞,it means reward.
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