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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. Paul Could you post some photos of the says(Scabbard throat and other metal parts etc)?Thanks
  2. You can also post the photos to the translation section, the active members there will help you out as well.
  3. The mei looks like 靖德(Yasunori)
  4. Adam 松山 水交社 Matsuyama Suikosha, Matsuyama Navy Officer Club。 I replied to your post on FB around 2 weeks ago. The rest of Kanji could be numbers (一x七/1x7?), but I don't know for sure. You should post as many photos as possible so we can figure out what it was. This photo you posted on FB, looks like 二ノ部(the second part)?
  5. T is the abbreviation for Tomita (富田)。It should be the sword shop's name.
  6. Nagoya has the different font than Tokyo 1st
  7. According to records the range of Seki Token Co from lower 82K-100K,This one is outside the range #130557(not 5 digit),but it looks legit to me。
  8. There are 軍刀修理団(Gunto repair group) formed by 栗原昭秀(Kurihara Akihide), who sent many sword smiths&kendo instructors to the battlefield from Japan. Those guys are fixed tens of thousands of swords for the officers. 成瀬関次 Naruse Kanji(Gunto repair army civilian employee)wrote a book 実戦刀譚(Tales of the Sword in the Battlefield), which documented the damaged parts and causes of the thousands of military swords he repaired. http://ohmura-study.net/925.html http://ohmura-study.net/133.html
  9. Some Mantetsu that were produced in the autumn of 1942 and the spring of 1943, bearing the signature "Mei 滿鐵作" rather than "滿鐵作之." Such swords are not uncommon. 昭和壬午=1942 昭和癸未=1943 http://ohmura-study.net/222.html
  10. 小浦 宗五郎 Koura Sougorou
  11. @Bruce Pennington I suspect that the "鍛" mark could represent the traditional hand-forged blade"本鍛練刀". http://ohmura-study.net/211.html 「株式会社濃州日本刀鍛錬所」 (清見町)が設立され、専属刀匠を置き、考案の特殊坩堝鋼、厳選した安来鋼を材料として、古式鍛錬の技法を遺憾なく発揮して優秀軍刀を鍛造し、厳密な検査の上、一つ一つに責任保証を付け、全国及び満洲. "Noshū Nihon Token Kōjō Co., Ltd." (Kiyomicho) was established, placing exclusive swordsmiths and utilizing specially devised crucible steel and carefully selected Anshin steel as materials to fully demonstrate the ancient forging techniques, forging excellent military swords. After rigorous inspection, each sword was guaranteed with a certificate of responsibility, and the company accepted orders directly from trading shops and customers across the country, as well as in Manchuria and China. https://www.touken-world.jp/tips/21493/ 1941年(昭和16年)には太平洋戦争が勃発。関の刀剣産業は再び盛んになりました。このころ作られた軍事用の刀剣は、古くからの日本刀とは区別して「昭和刀」と称されます。昭和刀は戦争が進むにつれ、粗悪品が出回るようになりました。 そこで関市の刀剣業者は製品のクオリティを保証するため、新しく制作された刀剣を関刃物工業組合で検査し、基準をクリアした物に証印を打つことに。近代的な製造システムによって価格を抑えられている上に、こうした品質保証制度が整えられた関市の刀剣は人気を集め、国内の市場シェアを伸ばしていったのです。 終戦直前の1944年(昭和19年)には、関の刀鍛冶は49人、昭和刀鍛冶200人、研師3,000人であったと記録されています。 In 1941 (Showa 16), the Pacific War broke out, and the Seki sword industry once again flourished. The military swords produced during this time were distinguished from the traditional Japanese swords and were referred to as "Showa swords." As the war progressed, the quality of Showa swords began to deteriorate, with many inferior products being circulated. To guarantee the quality of their products, Seki's sword manufacturers began to inspect newly made swords at the Seki Cutlery Industrial Association, stamping a seal of approval on those that met the standards. With prices kept low by modern manufacturing systems and the establishment of such a quality assurance system, Seki's swords gained popularity and expanded their domestic market share. Records from 1944 (Showa 19), just before the end of the war, indicate that there were 49 traditional swordsmiths, 200 Showa swordsmiths, and 3,000 polishers in Seki.
  12. @Bruce Pennington One more requested (應需)sword with the Tan( 鍛), made by 兼明 Kaneaki in February 1940. In the lunar calendar, the 正月 (first month) of 1940 fell in February.
  13. @Bruce Pennington I'm with Paul. Both the NCO and Java swords are reproductions. The forger simply copied the mei directly from Fuller's book, which incorrectly wrote "シヤワカ" instead of "ジャワ刀."
  14. I would either pair it with an original company-grade or field-grade tassel or not use a tassel at all. The repro General tassel doesn’t hold much significance, but that's just my personal preference.
  15. It appears to be an early fitting by Suya. And like John said, the tassel is a repro.
  16. The notable gap between the scabbard throat and liner, which is unlikely in a custom job, potentially damages the sword shop's reputation. It's challenging to imagine that an officer willing to invest extra money would overlook such a flaw.
  17. 昭和十九年三月 March 1944 兼宗 Kanemune
  18. There are 4 kanji on it. Can't tell the first 2, but the 3rd one is 軍(army), not sure about the 4th one either. @Kiipu
  19. John You're spot on about the fitting. Some Yusukuni/Kikusui swords, and Mantetsu, were initially sold in Shirasaya in Japan before appearing in the Chinese market with gunto mount. The owner/seller did this to enhance the appeal and fetch a higher resale price. By the way, this Yasunori blade is legit.
  20. It looks like it has replaced the handle.
  21. Lee Please post some photos of the "late" one, thanks!
  22. It look like a Chinese repro to me. The mei is fake,reads: 和州住包友 Wa Shu Ju Kanetomo
  23. Congrats, you got it for a good deal.
  24. This one was first registered in 1957, and then re-registered in 1989, it even had the ser# written on the paper.
  25. Well, this one registered in 2022.
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