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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. Did some research ,It should be family name. 軽部(かるべ) 【2014/12/24:改編】 # 2123位 # 全国に約7400人 # 茨城県を中心とした関東地方に多い他、山形県にも多くみられる。山形県内では寒河江市や河北町に多くみられる。 # 下総国海上郡や下野国河内郡に軽部の地名があったとされる。 # 允恭天皇の皇子の木梨軽王の名代部に由来する。 # 神奈川県の軽部家: 武蔵国橘樹郡平間(神奈川県川崎市幸区)の旧家で赤穂藩主の浅野家に出入りし、討ち入り前に大石内蔵助も当家に滞在していた。
  2. Can anyone help to ID this Kamon?It kind of looks like 輕部? Thanks
  3. Bruce Do you have these?
  4. From left to right 明治時代副官軍用刀 Meiji period Adjutant’s Gunto 尉官用 Company officer use 佐官用 Field officer use 尉官用 Company officer use 佐官用 Field officer use 佐官用 Field officer use 將官用 General use 海軍用 Navy use 海軍用 Navy use 各種刀緒Various Sword Knot
  5. Bruce It's possible contractor stamp.But not likely for 偕行社 though.
  6. Not sure if it's the swords name, it could be some kind of inspection mark.
  7. yes,it's the registration date.
  8. It looks like 時
  9. 昭和四(十)叁年十二月贰拾九日 Showa 43 years(1968)12.29
  10. Not likely.It's 鋼 for Steel.
  11. Colonel uniform from 偕行社特約 中本洋服店( 松山)
  12. 濃州関住後藤兼廣作
  13. Thomas Add one more, not mine.
  14. 昭和十五年八月
  15. Steve One more red bean(with the gold coat on the drag?) on 95.
  16. 昭和六十年 would be 1985
  17. Takehisa normally sold for $1000-1300, Mantetsu would be double. https://www.ebay.com/itm/MINTY-WWII-Japanese-Samurai-Sword-SHIN-GUNTO-World-War-2-KATANA-WW2-BLADE/373517288112?hash=item56f75d82b0:g:OPIAAOSwf5RgYJtW This one is way high.
  18. The tag say's 铃木大尉 Suzuki Captain
  19. Yep,that's him。
  20. looks cut off
  21. 2nd Photo- LV Luggage Set
  22. Sold for $600 .I remember saw the one sold for 750 as well.
  23. Monkey just list this NCO sword as a rare prototype https://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-PROTOTYPE-WWII-Japanese-Army-officers-samurai-sword-NCO-LEATHER-SCABBAR/114737295938 Actually, he just bought an NCO sword without a handle from eBay and put a handle on it, now he is trying to scam people. What a shame. Original sell https://www.ebay.com/itm/Imperial-Japan-Type-95-NCO-Gunto-sword-/393110215827
  24. Saw these photos of a 略装 98, ONLY 3 photos NO other photos. It had the K 171 assemble number on all the parts, and a Star mark on the tang, but the guy state there is NO signature Or Date other than the star stamp, the blade length is 55cm.
  25. Not in hand yet,I have friend in Japan bought it for me.
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