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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. Thomas It is an interesting sword .I have some photos of one( 總長斉燮元獎)like the one posted on Warrelics,but not the same one. This is a reward(gift) from 汪精衛南京偽政府 Nan King Puppet government's 治安總署督辦(治安總長) Governor of law and order 斉燮元 Qi Xie Yuan. It should be gifted to one of his subordinates between 1940-1943, the blade marked 12, so I assume it was 12 of xx.
  2. 4 more 偕行社 sword on the 2nd page. 1.第六中隊 少尉 渡邊一 2.第二機關銃中隊 准尉 半田健二 3.第三大隊本部 准尉 真野正行 4.第九中隊 少尉 橫山宏
  3. Bruce Here it is.
  4. BTW The first sword is a Mantetsu, it belong to Major 少佐 稻垣毅治 from Regiment headquarter 联隊本部. @Bruce Pennington
  5. Number 4 is in the Infantry Museum at Fort Benning.
  6. 哈鐵----(滿鐵)哈爾濱鐵路分局( Mantetsu Railway )Ha Er Bin substation
  7. @Bruce Pennington @Kiipu Check these out
  8. It also says:FREE Economy Shipping from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan to worldwide
  9. Bruce Saw the Mantetsu mark on this tsuba, not sure if it's added by some people who try to sell it for a higher price, never see another one like it.
  10. 東京 若瀨 Bruce You saw the unique 若瀨 scabbard drag before.
  11. This rocking star on the Kai Gunto Tang is the first time I ever see it other than on the navy bayonet.
  12. Bruce This Kai Gunto looks like has rocking star mark on the tang
  13. Bruce Did you notice the"阪“ mark on the left?
  14. Unfortunately, those swords are not mine, I just found the photos for you to add to your data base and that's all I got.
  15. This 千葉半島住近藤 Chiba-hantō jū Kondo Kondo of Chiba Peninsula is in Japan NOT China.
  16. Bruce I thought you might be interested in this, a friend of mine in China just found this Mantetsu sewer cover still in use in Fu Shun 撫順.
  17. Maybe 偽銘?Also, the Hamon doesn't look right to me, I knew there are a few special order Mantetsu has wavy Hamon, but not like this.
  18. Did some research ,It should be family name. 軽部(かるべ) 【2014/12/24:改編】 # 2123位 # 全国に約7400人 # 茨城県を中心とした関東地方に多い他、山形県にも多くみられる。山形県内では寒河江市や河北町に多くみられる。 # 下総国海上郡や下野国河内郡に軽部の地名があったとされる。 # 允恭天皇の皇子の木梨軽王の名代部に由来する。 # 神奈川県の軽部家: 武蔵国橘樹郡平間(神奈川県川崎市幸区)の旧家で赤穂藩主の浅野家に出入りし、討ち入り前に大石内蔵助も当家に滞在していた。
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