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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. Maybe next time when we saw it ,it already had the copper handle replaced and double priced
  2. That's correct, both swords have Tokyo 1st Arsenal mei and star. And I'm wondering how many smiths use Tokyo 1st Arsenal mei? I knew there are more than a few smith work at Tokyo 1st Arsenal. Now we have 3,勝信 Katsunobu, 尚武 Naotake, and 宣威 Nobutaka. Tokyo Dai Ichi Rikugun Zoheisho (東京第一陸軍造兵廠) These smiths made swords at the Imperial Army's arsenal factory in Akabane, Tokyo (1943-45). These swords are usually inscribed 'Tokyo Dai Ichi Rikugun Zoheisho'. Others may have also worked here on a part-time basis. 1. Nobutaka (宣威) 2. Kanemasa (兼正) 3. Katsunobu (勝信) 4. Morikuni (守国) Other The following smiths include: 1. Those working in the late Bakumatsu period on into the Meiji Period. 2. Smiths not formally affiliated with any of the above groups who nonetheless made swords in Tokyo. 3. Smiths which have not yet been proven to be connected with any of the above groups. Akimi (昭美) (Denshujo?) Akitaka (昭高) (Denshujo?) Akiyuki (昭通) (Denshujo?) Genji (源次) Hisahiro (久弘) Hidetoshi (秀俊) Hidemori (英守) Hirotsugu (広次)/ Hirotsugu (寛次) ( Sokanユs son ) Hironaga (寛長) (Enshin ?) Hisayoshi (久義) Ishinsai (一心斎) Kiyokane (清兼) (Denshujo?) Kunihide (国秀) ((kodai Tsunatoshi) Kunimitsu (国光) Kunimune (国宗) Kunihiro (国博) Kunitada (国忠) Kunitaka (国隆) Korehide (是秀) (kodai Tsunatoshi) Korekazu (是一) (kodai Korekazu) Kunimasa (国和) Masatada (正周) ( Suzuki Masaoユs group) Masanori (正則) (Joukeishi Masaakiユs student) Masakazu (正一) Masanobu (正与)/Masataka (政賢) Masayoshi (政善) Masatsuna (聖綱) Masasuke (正助) Mitsukazu (光一) Miyotaro (三代太郎) Morikuni (盛国) Morimichi (守道) Moritoshi (盛俊) ( Kurihara Nobuhideユs student) Morotaka (師敬) Muneshige (宗重) Nanta (楠太) Nankoku (南国) Naokatsu (直勝)/ Naomune (直諒) (Sandai Naokatsu; Naomune is early mei) Naohide (直秀) (Naokatsuユs student; Naotane group) Naohiro (直広) Naotake (尚武) Noriyuki (則行) Saneoki (真興) Saneyoshi (真義) (Kato Ichitaro (加藤一太郎); Hanazawa Tanrenjo?) Sanezumi (真澄) Senshu (仙綉) Shizukuni (鎮国) Sukenobu (祐信) Tadakazu (忠和) Takaoki (高興) Takeshi (武) Tokiyoshi (時吉) Tsuguesuke (継え助) Ujiyori (氏白) Yasufusa (康房) Yasushige (康重) (12th generation Shitahara) Yasumoto (康元) Yoshisaburo (与三郎) Yoshihiro (義広) Yoshisada (義定) Youichiro (興一郎) Yoshitame (義為)
  3. Bruce The Smith is Nobutake,same one who made my sword.Not 勝信 Katsunobu.
  4. I have 2 造兵廠 made Gunto,both has star. One is Type 98- 東京第一陸軍造兵廠 尚武 昭和十八年九月吉日 #453。 One is NS -東京第一陸軍造兵廠 宣威 昭和十七年十二月吉日 #47?
  5. If it's 辰月鬼宿日 ,then should be 农历3月23日,1943.4.27 in the Gregorian calendar.
  6. In 太平洋の奇跡(Oba:The Last Samurai) IJA officer wearing Type 98,IJN officer wearing Type 97.
  7. I had those photos a long time ago, from a movie prop shop.
  8. I think it was resin molds from a real one.
  9. Maybe not.Here is Rubber Type 95 from TV show The Pacific.
  10. HBO's The Pacific: Sledge's Bunker The Japanese NCO used a Brass guards Type 95.
  11. HBO's The Pacific: Sledge's Bunker The NCO
  12. Movie with Gunto 1.Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence 1983 2.Letters from Iwo Jima 硫磺島からの手紙 2006 3.太平洋の奇跡(Oba:The Last Samurai)2011 4.日輪の遺産 (The Legacy Of The Sun)2011 5.The Wolverine(2013) 6.The Emperor in August (日本のいちばん長い日) 2015
  13. I think the scabbard is original to this sword by adding a Type 98 Ishizuke 石突。
  14. Looks like 一肥前国出羽守藤原 to me
  15. Smith is 石堂輝秀
  16. As other guys said, It's a manual of parachutes (Model 3) for domestic Chinese army use. You might find it interesting the factory that made this parachute. The 国营五二0厂(Official name 宏光机械厂 Hong Guang Machinery Plant),is State-run ,under the 航空工业部 Ministry of Aviation Industry,they borrowed the idea of Russian parachutes , use the metal parts from used American, German,Japanese's parachutes, design and made the very first parachutes(Type 110) for PLA in 1951 October. The factory now called 南京宏光空降装备厂 Nan Jing Hong guang Airborne Equipment factory. In 1950.9.17, PLA Airborne troops were established. After 11 days of training, on 9.29, the commander of the First Airborne battalion 崔汉卿 Cui Han Qin, was the first one to jump out of the plane.
  17. It's a WW2 Japanese army Type 98 officer sword Year of made:昭和十八年四月(1943.April) Smith: 兼宗 Kanemune, Civilian name 福本小市 Fukumoto Koichi.
  18. I will check it out,thanks!
  19. Unfortunately, it's not my sword. But I think there is a star stamp on top of the Mei.
  20. Bruce It should be 櫻井親房 from 長野. http://ohmura-study.net/025.html He is #36 in 鍛錬刀の部 入賞刀位列 list. Never say never to WW2 Gunto that's what I’ve learned.
  21. @Bruce Pennington I‘m not sure if you have this one on file.Tang marked #20. 親房 皇紀二千六百年三年二月日(1943.2)
  22. Any photos?
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