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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. I think Neil has more Gunto than Ron
  2. @Stegel Here is my 2 Wood handle 95 ,both scabbard has 3 digi #,blade has NO Ser# but Seki mark.
  3. Let him keep it
  4. @Kiipu Thomas Those swords maybe made at the local smith shop by the Japanese Gunto repair team sent from Japan.
  5. @Bruce Pennington What do you think? 155 or 551?
  6. Thomas Thanks for decode these 篆字。I think they were maybe simplified as 木田芳系 or 木田芳圣 instead of full characters 村田芳経。
  7. Peter Do you have photos of both sides of tang?
  8. 韩 was born in Semarang, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia.Any one remember those island made Gunto?Some were made at Semarang.
  9. Thomas Here is some info about Han Bing Siong https://www.vriendenvanbronbeek.nl/3 Nieuws20180326ZwaardYutakaishioeda.htm After Gracy dies in 1964, the sword comes into the possession of Han Bing Siong (1932-2005), an expert on the Japanese sword. The sword of Yutaka Nishioeda has been widely published in various books and publications at home and abroad.
  10. Any fair priced one?
  11. Neil I also had one 1944 Mantetsu with Wavy hamon. Ohmura said:例外的に乱刃が存在する。恐らく特注品であろう。It sould be special order.
  12. @Bruce Pennington 宣威 (Nobutake) is the name 吉原國家 ( Yoshihara Kuniie)use when he worked in Tokyo first.He also use 昭廣(Akihiro). On Ohmura's :各工廠 (造兵廠) 鍛練所で専属嘱託刀匠に依り作刀された鍛錬刀 (茎に刀匠銘と造兵廠標章刻印) 東京砲兵工廠: 横山祐包・森岡政吉、東京第一陸軍造兵廠: 吉原宣威 (昭廣・國家同人)、大阪工廠(造兵廠): 月山貞勝・貞一 (二代) ・貞重・正清、小倉工廠(造兵廠): 白龍子忠孝・平貞重・兼延、 旧兵器廠 善平 他
  13. Bruce I will find you more Mantetsu related stuff.
  14. For me, I couldn't part with my gunto that was giving to Flight Engineer 2/Lt Willam Warburton from Flying tiger by the Chinese Communist new 4th army 4th division, which saves him from the Japanese army. Warburton was on B29 from 40th Bomb Group plane #237. It was shot down on November 11, 1944, on the mission to bombing target in Nanking.It's no a pretty sword but the story behind it is priceless. The group photo is NOT 2/Lt Willam's crew but other flying tiger pilots rescued by N4A.
  15. Tim I use the online perpetual calendar(万年历)to search 1943 April and looking for 鬼宿 on which day. You can also check out this Cross refernce start by Thomas (Kiipu) https://www.warrelics.eu/forum/Japanese-militaria/ae-oea-c-aeoe-e-e-aeoe-799445/#post2187969 It would be nice if you can upload some photos of the whole sword(mount, handle,blade ).Thanks
  16. @Bruce Pennington Bruce, there you go, a Mantetsu fork,thought you might like it.
  17. Tom Is it in Gunto mount?
  18. Thomas Thank you much for that info, it's just what I was looking for.
  19. Found one more smith with Tokyo First (東京第一陸軍造兵廠) 正武 Masatake 昭和十九年六月(1944 June) #644,Type 98,no star.
  20. I found the answer! It's 1943.4.11.Lunar calendar 3.7.
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