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Everything posted by BANGBANGSAN

  1. Bruce Here is an unusual one that has wavy Hamon 昭和甲申春 興亞一心 滿鐵作 strangely with NO Ser# on nakago,says in Shirasaya ,but not photo of the mount.
  2. Yes,it is in RS mount,I posted it before, here you go.
  3. My 1944 Se 1066 Also has連 at top
  4. 南」 南満陸軍造兵廠       "Nan" Nanman Army Arsenal 「連」 南満陸軍造兵廠大連製造所  "Ren" Nanman Army Arsenal Dalian Factory. It seems 関東軍 made some changes after took over 南満陸軍造兵廠 on April 1944. MRS fitting Mantetsu all have the 連 連工 mark. 1)工程: 刀身 ; 満鉄撫順製鉄所製純鉄を心棒として高炭素鋼の筒中に挿入鍜伸、荒砥ぎ、熱処理、仕上げ砥ぎ       その他; 外装、鍔付け、握り付け、鞘入れ、刀緒付け 1) Process: Sword blade; Inserted into a high carbon steel cylinder using pure iron manufactured by Mantetsu Fushun Steel Works as a mandrel. Others; fitting, Tsuba, Tsuka, scabbard, sword tassel They only mention the inserted steel was from Fushun Steel Works, but not say if the 皮鉄(outer steel?) are the same. If they use different 皮鉄 then the blade is not the same as earlier Mantetsu.
  5. @Bruce Pennington@Kiipu It seems we might found the meaning of 南 and 連/連工 mark .南 means the blade was made in 南満陸軍造兵廠本廠,and the 連/連工means the blade was made in 南満陸軍造兵廠大連製造所軍刀工場. http://ohmura-study.net/205.html From Ohmura 南満陸軍造兵廠は、昭和13年6月「南満工廠建設要綱」が決まり、同年8月、陸軍造兵廠南満工廠※の編成が決定された。 奉天郊外の文官屯に約300万坪の敷地を有し、軍人・軍属12,000名、満人傭工等 数千人の規模だった。此処で将校用軍刀が製造された。 昭和20年4月、兵器行政本部から離れ、関東軍直轄の関東軍造兵廠となった。 製造軍刀の種類; 陸軍将校用軍刀、生産工場: 南満陸軍造兵廠本廠及び南満陸軍造兵廠大連製造所軍刀工場 生産期間 昭和19年10月~20年8月 (実際は昭和18年春より製造されている。たまたま特定期間が記載された事に注意)
  6. He also sword marked 1944.
  7. It's 社 Mark for the army arsenal subcontractors
  8. I think in that chart,長劍 means saber,短劍 means dagger,短刀 means Waki short kai.
  9. Yes,on the right 軍刀 五二(官品Government property) 二九(私品Privately owned)
  10. I didn't see Ma 77 post on your chart though...
  11. I think Type 95 is Army's property,like Type 30 bayonet and rifles.
  12. @Bruce Pennington @Kiipu One more from Matt’s shop 昭和壬午秋 1942 Autumn マ 七八 Ma 78,it‘s the first 30 Series マ found so far.
  13. I was checking on the file of the surrender swords by IJN in Taiwan in 1945. The list mention 私品(Privately owned)and 官品(Government/Navy property), also said some kind of carry permit in applying process for the Privately owned sword. We all know the Type 95 NCO sword was issued by the army and its army property. It got me wondering what kind of Kai Gunto was issued by IJN? I'm thinking maybe the double hanger black paint wood saya, with Navy anchor logo on the tang and no smith mei, like the photos I'm posting, what do you guys think?
  14. Neil I'm not an expert on the uniform. But seems 军属(Civilian work for the army)wearing different uniform and insignia?
  15. I think this 大 mark is Izumo Taisha (Izumo Grand Shrine/出雲大社) 。Hence:Slough's book, page 82: Tai stamp appears on late war blades made by smiths associated with the Izumo Seiko steel works. Located in Shimane. The forge was located near the Izumo Taisha shrine and by 1945 the country was in dire need of divine assistance. @Bruce Pennington@Kiipu
  16. Thomas I got more photos of that sword, It has 江 Mark indeed. It's in the Kai gunto mount.
  17. I asked him again if he can find more photos or details, he found one more photo (not full tang,I'm sorry)with 南 mark, and partial Mei shows it's not KOA he said it's 滿鐵鍛造之。
  18. Thomas Unfortunately, I do not have other photos,I would already post them if I have more. But for the 2 photos I have,lt looks like eBay seller ericowazamono's old sell,he might still have photos of that sword in his data.Our member @Ontario_Archaeology just bought a 1938 Mantetsu N356 from him not long ago.
  19. Bruce As I said, these are all the photos I've been provided. I asked already, no other photos, not my friend's swords, he just found photos for me from some old file he saved a long time ago.
  20. @Kiipu Thomas Do you think the mark on the blade is the same mark as the 大 Mark?It says on Fullers Page 226, Dai(or Tai) stamp. Significance unknown.Has only been found on blades dated 1945. Very rare.
  21. @Bruce Pennington @Kiipu Here is a few more 1.昭和戊寅秋 1938 Autumn M61 2.昭和辛巳春 1941 Spring カ二三六 Ka 236 3.昭和壬午秋 1942 Autumn ヤ二0一 Ya 201 4.昭和癸未春 1943 Spring テ三0五 Te 305 That's all the photos I have.
  22. Here is 小野田宽郎‘s Gunto
  23. Bruce I watched that show, the handle of Baba Voss's word seems very long
  24. Those 2 wood saya RS, one is my friend's, one is from the internet. Both are not likely Gendai but arsenal blade. The one I use to have is in the metal saya cheaper version, not Gendai blade, but I forgot if there is any arsenal mark or numbers on the tang, it was a long time ago.
  25. My friend had a better fitting RS with a mumei blade, it seems arsenal made with the number. There is another one just like he's, and has a very close number.
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