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BANGBANGSAN last won the day on September 21

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    Sunshine State FL
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    WW2 Japanese Gunto

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  1. 東神正茂 Tojin Masashige 。The implified version of "義" is 义
  2. The meaning of the TEC mark is unknown,it should from some sword shop, it only appears on naval swords. Can you post more photo of the fitting ?
  3. Thanks for your hard work,Mal!
  4. More like 海軍卷 (Navy style wrapping)
  5. And a 羽州永井住齋藤國吉,but unfortunately no photo of the Mei only has register paper.
  6. Bruce The Kanemune you post is January 1944 NOT 1943.The steel scanbbard RS most likly starts from 1944-1945,maybe that's why some collector call it Type 44.
  7. @Bruce Pennington Unfinished Mantetsu made in China
  8. The mark on the left of the number "2" is "関" (Seki). The wooden-handled Type 95 were using the "名" (Na) mark before the 205xxx serial number.
  9. I would say this is a Chinese puppet army sword (伪军刀). Please check out the photos. The sword at the very bottom is an exhibit in the Military Museum in Beijing. The tag reads: 冀热察挺进军第三科科长贾顺林缴获的日伪军战刀 "A battle sword seized by Jia Shunlin, head of the Third Section of the Ji-Re-Cha Advance Army, from the Japanese puppet army." Notice that the metal parts of this puppet army sword are very similar to the one Dave posted.
  10. Bruce Do you have more photos of this sword?
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