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Everything posted by Ontario_Archaeology

  1. On a side note, I noticed 4 tiny notches at the bottom of the tang, any insight?
  2. Not exactly a "flashy" gunto, but a nice one nonetheless. I mentioned in the "Manchurian eye Candy" thread that I was thinking of bidding on those high class mounts which celebrated 25 years of service to the SMR, however, this early Mantetsu blade in combat mounts took precedent! Hope you enjoy the pictures I took, I know @Bruce Penningtonwill.
  3. I think Matt Brice had one like this for sale years ago, I have seen them with the usual Matsu blades in them as well. Even without the blade I am tempted to bid on this!
  4. @Bruce Pennington
  5. What tassel are you asking about??
  6. In this album there are many pictures of officers with gunto, I will be adding those to the military swords of Japan thread.
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  7. I have one more I need to take pictures of!
  8. I'll post mine when I get a chance. 😁
  9. I don't think I've seen this one here... I am aware it posted sideways 😡
  10. Turns out the other gunto did not have those marks, I do recall seeing them. This was for sale in 2018 on ebay. Ever since I missed it I had been chasing something similar. I think waiting paid off, I am very pleased with what I have now.
  11. Any other information on the blade we can guess at? @Bruce Penningtonit's great that this has a new stamp for you, I think I've seen it once before, possibly on another black Ray skin gunto. I'll double check my pictures when I get home.
  12. Also the numbers are all matching, however I am unsure what number this is
  13. More pictures as promised! Any info would be great!
  14. No Bruce I added it as I did my previous sword I've posted. It came without a tassel, but has a nice min on it. Ill take more / better pictures tonight!!
  15. A full blade picture will come tomorrow, sorry!
  16. Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well. Recently I bought this gunto at auction, there wasn't very much information given, but the unique mounts were a selling point for me. The blade was originally described as demascus, but that obviously wasn't the case. Now that I have it in hand, I took it apart in search for a signature but found none. I have been told that it is an older blade, but I'd like an era to be more narrowed down, something that is well out of my realm. Here are some pictures, please don't hesitate to let me know if more pics are needed!
  17. My collecting goals started similar to many others, just a representative sample of the different types, and to be honest, I think I have completed that goal, once that was completed I started to think, what my favorite aspects of different gunto there were and that was how unique and the variation of how gunto were decorated. So I set out a big goal of collecting some odd ducks, and a small goal of understanding tassels and collecting mint condition tassels for my gunto. Luck (unlucky for my bank account) those goals were obtained and I was able to put some unusual gunto into my collection and make a very nice tassel display. Now my goals are to sell off a few swords to fund my next big goals in my collection. A nice Lida lock gunto, and a SMR gunto. the SMR gunto will be the center of my display, as before collecting Imperial Japanese militaria I collected and ran n scale trains, it was actually a scale model of an imperial Japanese locomotive that got me onto this track (haha). As for a smaller goal, knowing it will take years for those swords to come up and for the right price, I want to collect the shortest gunto, I know there are some really short tanto/ o-tanto in gunto mounts that I would love to add to my collection. In the meantime I have been working on displaying my items, trying to give them more of an organized feeling. Here are pictures of my tassel display and a display box I have made. . .
  18. Using a shoe lace the saya will accommodate about 72cm of blade. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to accurately take the other measurements for you.
  19. That looks like one short gunto! Mind sharing the whole thing?
  20. What nice gunto mounts. Your collection never fails to impress
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