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Everything posted by Ontario_Archaeology

  1. Here is a tanto
  2. Here is the thread I was talking about https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/31619-generals-tassels/page/2/#comments
  3. If you want more entertainment, he has a YouTube channel I have not watched any of these videos, view at your own risk.
  4. If someone wants to link past tassel threads there is a lot of great information in them. I think one is about general tassels and another might be a more general thread. Really if we were to have one pinned thread so all the information can be easily found it could become a really good resource. As I've said before in other threads, good consistent lighting and photos of both old "new" stock and used tassels will make spotting fakes easier for everyone.
  5. Thanks Dan! I do have an imperial household Kyu gunto that has 7 silver chrysanthemum mons throughout the tsuka This one is much different from that.
  6. Here are some quick ones I took, as well as some from the auction.
  7. Here is something I happily just picked up. A Kyu Gunto with ray skin saya. It also has the 3-5-3 paulownia which can either indicate a government position or a family mon. Any other information would be appreciated. Enjoy.
  8. Finding fittings to match a blade they were not made for us difficult. It is less time consuming and around the same cost to just buy a full package. Even if you find a saya and parts that are the same length and curve as your blade, it might not curve in the right places for your blade and still fit funny.
  9. It might be that they are just uncommon in western markets, lots might be stuck in China.
  10. Here is the previous thread where I had seen a similar flag on a sword on buyee. Obviously it is much better quality than the one shown above, however I do remember seeing several like one Micheal has posted. A year or so ago, maybe 2. Sword memory is all a blur, I remember quite a few Chinese swords went to auction and were similar crap quality. I believe a few Dirks are still in eBay.
  11. I believe I did some research on a similar sword a few months back. I believe that the the flag belongs to the Wuhan army, associated with national China (opposed to the communists). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chinese-army_Wuhan_flag_(1911-1928)_18_dots.svg
  12. I'm wondering if any one has an example of a bluish green saya from that ohmura chart, I don't think I've seen one in my years of looking around. It's an odd colour as it is very bright compared to the others, maybe the reason it isn't as popular
  13. I have a few.... And it think this is the same one John just posted
  14. From what I've experimented with when taking photos of my collection is using an umbrella light. There are some cheap options on amazon, I think I got mine for 25 bucks when they were on sale. I have 2 of those set up and lay the object on black fabric. If taking a picture with your phone. Turn off all the AI adjustment and auto focusing as that will drown out some important details. It takes a little longer to take the photographs, but the result is worth it. Hope this helps! Great pictures and great swords!
  15. Pretty big hole! Very cool. Here is a thread made where other members have posted their gunto with battle scars
  16. I think you're right, sad it's missing the second hanter. I think you can see some ware where it would have been. Light weights are usually easy to spot since the fittings looks small compared to the length.
  17. Oh my why havnt I added major kawadas wak to here
  18. Sounds like you might have some real grails in your collection! Including this mantetsu. Really beautiful.
  19. Congrats on the rare kyu! Glad it's in the forum community.
  20. the Navy Kyu Gunto Mantetsu sold for 5.5k CAD. it was a 1938 and had the sought after stamp though. I don't think this is a collapse of the market rather there were not two people looking for a Mantetsu right now
  21. I am sure you could find one on Ebay, maybe the million dollar "sword" from scamurai monkey
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