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Ontario_Archaeology last won the day on January 21 2021

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About Ontario_Archaeology

  • Birthday 04/03/1992

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    Matthew H

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  1. There was nothing else to go off of as reference other than a 2 week old thread. The forum doesn't revolve around your posts, not everyone is going to see that.
  2. That wasn't even in this thread, maybe use the same thread to post about the same seller to avoid confusion.
  3. you use an old slur against Japanese people and then play the victim?
  4. The language in the title is more than enough for me to avoid this user more than the sketchy seller 🤣
  5. Link to thread and my photo with 2 real and one reproduction tassels.
  6. Buyee can be great as there is much more selection and you will find that there are ebay sellers that list items on eBay for 3x as much for the price on buyee, so sometimes you cut out that strange middle man. Obviously there are no returns so you have to be sure what you're buying. Goodluck !
  7. It might be the lighting of the pictures but it looks far to shiny. Similar to a fake I used to have. There are photos of it in a general tassel thread I believe.
  8. I own it, but I would like to hang onto it, is there any pages you would like me to photograph for you ? You can shoot me a DM if you would like.
  9. Here is the thread I was talking about https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/31619-generals-tassels/page/2/#comments
  10. If you want more entertainment, he has a YouTube channel I have not watched any of these videos, view at your own risk.
  11. If someone wants to link past tassel threads there is a lot of great information in them. I think one is about general tassels and another might be a more general thread. Really if we were to have one pinned thread so all the information can be easily found it could become a really good resource. As I've said before in other threads, good consistent lighting and photos of both old "new" stock and used tassels will make spotting fakes easier for everyone.
  12. Thanks Dan! I do have an imperial household Kyu gunto that has 7 silver chrysanthemum mons throughout the tsuka This one is much different from that.
  13. Here are some quick ones I took, as well as some from the auction.
  14. Here is something I happily just picked up. A Kyu Gunto with ray skin saya. It also has the 3-5-3 paulownia which can either indicate a government position or a family mon. Any other information would be appreciated. Enjoy.
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