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Everything posted by IJASWORDS

  1. Thought I would post a three character (Ichihara) NAGAMITSU Saku, who regularly made swords for the Osaka Army Arsenal. His swords were rated very highly for their cutting ability. This has no date, but a very small mune stamp. He signed his swords in 2 characters, and upto 10 characters. Debate has raged about which signature represent the best quality swords, and those that are "knockouts" for the war. This sword has an Itame haha, and a nice hamon with ko-gunome with ashi. It is in as found war time polish, and the detail doesn't photograph well. And Bruce, the fittings have heart shaped stamps, what can you tell me about this? Nagamitsu (and Emura) swords are becoming quite popular with collectors, and are now being papered.
  2. A papered polished EMURA SAKU with no date in RS mounts. Emura was the Director of Okyama Prison during WW2. In fact, prison labour helped him with sword production, and polishing. Although Emura taught himself sword forging as a hobby, he made some really good swords, and was rated a medium to high grade Gendaito. The hamon is choji-gumome-midare, with small amounts of ara nie visible.
  3. This sword is signed... SHOSHIN KOBUSE GITAE MASAFUSA SAKU.... translated, (By means of) Kobuse forging Masafusa made this. It has no date, the only stamps are the SHINGANE IRI kokuin, and the..... Registration of new design Item number 211659 Wrapped steel construction forged stamp. (Shoda) MASAFUSA is rated a 1 million YEN smith. And rated a medium to high grade gendaito. Born in 1916, his real name was Shoda Kihichi, in 1936 he entered the school of Fujiwara Kanefusa, and selected his art name of Masafusa. The original officer/owner of this sword went the full monty, with family mon, Iida latch/dust cover, and the tsuba appendage thought to retain a tassel.
  4. Chris, great package, blade and koshirae.
  5. Good question, but there are no signs of modifications.
  6. Most collectors are familiar with GENDAI swords made in the 1930-40's, but GENDAI swords show up made in the Meiji period. Here is a HIDENAGA signed Bungo no Kuni Hidenaga, and dated, Meiji 37, which is 1904. It is in double hanger '94 mounts, has a 66cm blade, and pierced tsuba. Hada is Itame, Hamon is suguha/ko gunome, and looks to be made in the YAMASHIRO tradition. Not much is known about this smith, more is known about his father NAGAHIDE, who was a Castle samurai sword smith.
  7. Really nice blades Brandon, it would be great if you could show the Nakago on each, and describe the hada and hamon. I am hoping that in the future, if someone is searching YASUNORI for example, not just great photos, but information pops up as well. This could make for a very informative research site.
  8. I know we have a separate topic of Show Us Your High Class Gunto. But many WW2 swords smiths have made nice traditionally made blades from 1876-1945. With members like "mecox" doing spectacular research on WW2 sword smiths, I think this new topic could throw some light on some sword smiths and their work, and hopefully kindle interest in the blade, not just the Koshirae. You never know, we may find some rare or poorly documented swords and smiths. If your posts could be supported by photos, oshigata, descriptions, and any other relevant information, I think a great reference topic could be established. OK, so here is a contribution to kick things off.... A (Mano) MASAYASU medium-grade grade gendaito, no date no stamps, in early '98 mounts. Mei reads Bishu ju Masayasu. The hada is flowing masame/mokume, with choji gunome midare hamon. I only hope there are better photographers out there! So I would ask the forum administrators to let this thread run, and see where it goes, a lot of time is spent discussing Chinese fakes, and machine made Showa-to, and I am sure this topic will help raise intertest in Gendai. P.S. Hamon looks Suguha in photos, but the Keisho polish disguises the features, easily seen in the hand.
  9. Franco, how can you tell if it is "machine steel' if it has hada and habuchi?
  10. Me thinks the MON on the menuki is a DREMEL attempt to make it look like a flower, just sayin'......
  11. I have got/seen heaps of sword variants and fittings that are not in regulations, but were genuine issue. Plus the fact that special orders were placed for non standard issue by an officer. As John says, more time is dedicated to discussing and trying to justify Chinese junk.
  12. Sorry to all those who miss out om my sales. But I accept the first firm commitment to buy.
  13. WOW, looks great on the KAI with MON and old blade. Could be an Admiral quality sword!
  14. Hamish, glad you asked. The blade is nicer than I remember, note the nice hamon, hada, boshi, and the UBU blade. I have shown the worst features of the blade, only a couple of forging openings, no cracks etc. But as you will appreciate, these are common on old blades, AND, it is about the package, where the fittings are the feature in a war time outfit. A perfectly polished blade in this outfit would set you back at least USD 6000.
  15. This WW2 officers sword is all about the custom mounts and fittings. Although the blade is a mumei 400-500 year old nihonto, the rarity is the outfit. It is extremely rare to find a sword with blackened fittings, it is very rare to find an Army sword with a shark skin saya, but what are the odds of finding both in one sword? I recon its akin to picking the 6 winning numbers in Lotto! The ancestral blade is in reasonable polish, nice hada and hamon, and a few forging openings common on swords of its age, but as I said, its about the full package. A beautiful original complete 8 seppa set, it is just one of those beautiful original Shin Gunto, that would be a joy to own and display. Putting a price on this would be like pricing the Mona Lisa, or Statue of David, there is nothing to compare it to. So USD2350 including express posting, anywhere, OR a sensible offer.
  16. John, Hamish, agree that so many crap swords are being discussed, and even in some cases, folks are trying to find the most obscure reasons to justify their lack of knowledge on the subject, even giving oxygen to discussion of Chinese fakes. Always a good starting point is Dawson, and Fuller and Gregory, if it is not there, well, it's probably not worth the effort.

    Ara nie

    Mason, I am one of those who happen to like Ara Nie. The attached images are on a Gendai Kunimitsu, and I treasure it as a sword made in the Soshu tradition. OK, this example is a little over the top, but shows it off well.
  18. Just a question, does anyone own a MANTETSU with a MON? I can't remember seeing any, I am sure they must exist, but so far they have eluded me.
  19. Trawling through old posts, and was searching for any information on (Mano) Masayasu, and stumbled on this one. So many different Mei. This Gendai-to is signed Bishu Ju Masayasu, in '94 mounts, so probably 1937ish, no date no stamps. It looks well made, with prominent Hada, Habuchi, and Hataraki. Sorry to revive such an old post, but it helps reference swordsmiths where information is scarce.
  20. There was a similar sword on the market in Australia about a year ago, with a similar story for about half that price. The asking price of this one would probably be justified if there is an official order or request from the Emperor to make this sword, rather than made as a gift or celebration. Then, why isn't it in the Royal Family sword collection, or being sought by a Japanese museum? I have and have seen swords made in WW2 for "The Royal Prince" and "The Crown Prince" by makers like Sadakatsu, but these are celebration swords. Anyway, it would look nice in my collection! Akihide is a good sword smith.
  21. Jim, agree! My polished NOBUFUSA is a also go-to sword for enjoyment.
  22. Here is its brother. Bruce, you have already got a photo of this in your stamp document.
  23. Bruce, EMURA and NAGAMITSU are now registered and papered. Attached photo of one of EMURA papers.
  24. Mal, was there any relationship to KANEHISA, who also had a hot stamp?
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