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    North Carolina
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    Japanese swords, bonsai nursery operator, black powder rifles and associated tasks

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  1. Many thanks Bruce,and others 🙂
  2. Mounts are a wrapped handle but no rayskin, looks painted black. Looks like naval hand guard missing two larger seppa (sp?) Anyway, thanks,again folks
  3. Probably did misunderstand. Remember thinking it wasnt made during the war....(so to speak). Cool. Thanks for the help...good folk you are.
  4. This side nothing
  5. It was there in the sword index. Thanks, now, the year
  6. Hi Thanks for helping. My sword man on Shikoku was most sure...🙂 but who knows. 1931, I think. I lost his paper I took notes on, torn up everything looking but no go. Hope these pics help. There are no numbers or stamps anywhere else.
  7. Hi folks Can I get some assistance on this ww2 sword mei? I think it was kanekado of gifu made this. 1931. Cherry blossom stamp. Many thanks folks
  8. Rokujuro Seems you were correct, it seems to be an Ohira Uchigumori whetstone of the hard variety. I zoomed the pics online and found the same micro white spots as mine. Stone color the same . 3.5lbs weight Thanks for the help folks, I would have been lost without you.
  9. Wow I knew you folks were good but now appear to be the BEST! GREAT info, thank you for your time. Now, I can sleep at night 😊 Many thanks Marc in NC
  10. Hello all I bought this whet stone in Japan about 15 yrs ago. I forgot the area or prefecture or mine where it came from. I looked online but no can find The stone is dark, thick, with edges sawcut which I understand may have been cut in 1932. Seems like a hard stone very smooth THANKS for any help
  11. Cicada Forge long sword 29.5 cutting edge 30.5 inch blade reach from guard to tip 1060/1095 folded steel. Wood grain and straight grain mixed. Tempered. Full bo hi to make it feel right in the hand. Used for a few cuts. No wear to complain of. Mirror finish. Overall condition including mounts is excellent Email for more pics An expensive blade in its day $800. plus ship fee
  12. Sugarsnout says wonderful Fair deals and attention to detail From sugarsnout@gmail.com
  13. Hi I've got a Wakizashi Signed mihara masaie No paper, bought reliable dealer. Wonderful blade, super nice flame tip By the 5th masaie noted for sharpness Very nice mounts, Dragon guard and small knife dragon theme Can send pic sugarsnout@gmail.com Thanks
  14. Hi I've got a military sword, navy, tachi mounts. Blade a little dirty but no flaws, good health tip. Kanekado I think it is signed by. Had seldom seen stamp, facility where manufactured I was in Japan, my swordsman there said made 1931. Selling for what paid for it 20 yrs ago, 750. Can send pics to your email. Thanks sugarsnout@gmail.com
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