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Everything posted by Spartancrest

  1. Piers, no there is a group of tsuba designs mainly miochin that have riveted plates in imitation of the rivet pattern on helmets (kabuto) they apparently were often done to show off the smiths skill like an advert for helmet makers. I had a reference for them but is lost in the clutter. I will keep searching, maybe this is a different universe to the one I was living in a few months ago!
  2. I noticed these some "time" back ! I like the 'Kabutoshi ' but it looks pretty modern. https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-one-and-only-antique-Tsuba-Clock-in-the-world-with-registered-utility-model/402223763540?hash=item5da6679054:g:hGQAAOSwIL9elToI My mind is playing up is 'Kabutoshi ' the correct term ?
  3. Pietro I think everyones prices are high at the moment! No, really this sellers prices are probably avearage or slightly lower than a lot of the regular dealers - except for this one of his https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Edo-period-Japan-antique-Iron-Pine-Tree-Leave-Tsuba-sword-katana-rare-menuki/324108647768?hash=item4b76617d58:g:po4AAOSwhpleXb3l Now that is expensive for a very poor cast copy, its a common pattern and pops up every so often.
  4. Torrez The first picture in this thread was from eBay right? https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Japana-antique-Edo-period-iron-bemboo-Wave-Tsuba-sword-menuki-kozuka-katana-rare/324108742680?hash=item4b7662f018:g:EO8AAOSwv~pedE9y
  5. Barry Hennick & others. That gold pocket watch case - was it the one formerly from the Behrens collection? Here is a page from my 'Early Articles for Tsuba Study' book. Guess its fair if we wreck theirs they can wreck ours!
  6. Malcom I am learning something new every day! Mon and Kamon very specialized and obviously not my field. Piers D The picture is very horse-centric, saddle frames, stirrups and mouth bits. Just 'tack' in the reins and blanket and you can 'horse' around all day!
  7. Not an expert on Habaki but it looks good to me, “neko-gaki” cat scratch pattern sometimes also called falling rain pattern, and I would say with those tiny dots that is what this one represents. Back to the tsuba - well the better images only confirm it to be a later reworked casting as the seam is very evident in the mounted photo. Added to this the tagane- ato (the punch marks top and bottom of the nakago-ana or tang hole) they look deep but have not resulted in any spread of the metal into the void (which is what they are used for). This would suggest that the punch marks were cast into the guard and not actually real. There is a possibility that if the punch marks were real the opening was filed down to remove excess metal at a later time for remounting, but in this case I very much doubt it. At the top of the guard photo (usually up side down) is another casting fault, see blowup. If this had been hand made that little dag of metal would have been cut off. One great thing about Japanese swords is they were designed so you could change the tsuba fairly easily and was often done.
  8. Here is another example of the tsuba design - unfortunately no school attribution. https://daimyou-armor.com
  9. Just a thought but I wonder if the clock movement is at least Japanese? Or East German?
  10. Patrice L Here is something that started out not being a tsuba. I notice the nakago-ana are cut, in a counter-intuitive direction as for strength, on all the Kiri examples, I wonder why? [ is it insulting to have the blade edge pointing away from the old imperial family emblem?] The crane example would probably not work any other way.
  11. These are a little less stressful.
  12. Oh the humanity! What were they thinking?
  13. Tom That's what I thought, Its been reworked but they didn't do all the sukashi. The hitsu look cleaner (difficult to see clearly) Would the two seppa (loose) reflect the tsuba has been changed from the original mounting? [i am not a sword person]
  14. Stephen Yes good idea, they look like they are floating - but will get dusty! My open board displays need dusting probably more than they get!
  15. Florian Sasano's book has the same guard listed as 'Hayashi' (Yotsu-hanabishi - four diamond-shaped flowers) Page 230 of his 'New Enlarged Edition' But you can't rule out Owari or Akasaka as they did some similar designs (as you have already seen on the link). What do people think about the high-lighted areas of the guard?
  16. Just came across this display stand presumably in perspex or acrylic. little expensive - and the tsuba are not included [pity] https://www.jauce.com/auction/o387300197
  17. Peter & Darrel Would super glue be safer or even wood glue, or would that be an infringement on tradition ? - has anyone got some really old boxes where the (中心 or 忠) nakago rest is held by some other means? [ Darrel you mixed the 'g' and 'k' around ] This could be a whole new thread. I have usually had good luck with shipped guards being packaged seperate to the box, from Japan, except once where the rest had come off and as you say the pins were exposed, lucky the guard was already in poor condition anyway [if you call that luck] Everyone should follow the experts advice [and don't include me in that list] and not ship their guards in the box [kiribako]. new boxes can be seen : https://www.ryujinswords.com/kiribako-boxes and from the same firm check out the reproduction tsuba : https://www.ryujinswords.com/search/products?keywords=tsuba Not an advocate!
  18. Ken Let me know what you think when you get them, watch out for the kozuka, sharp and thin film don't usually go well together but Ok once mounted. I have had no rips so far.
  19. Posted 09 April 2020 - 08:53 PM George M. [Just getting back to you, I have found a picture of a rather too common fuchi with kabuto decoration, I know its common because I had one just the same (for the life of me can't find it though) So there was/is a huge industry pushing out copies of all sorts of fittings and no doubt the sword collectors will include swords as well - just who when and where I don't know - the why is always money!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just come across another example of the common fuchi pattern on Feabay- I do hope it doesn't belong to a NMB member. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Antique-Japanese-Fuchi-Kabuto-Kuwagata-Sword-Fitting-Tsuka-Handle-Koshirae-Old/254566280821?hash=item3b45552e75:g:-E4AAOSwfaZZuK2S it is not identical but there is a definite trend here.
  20. Grev That's always a good idea - especially if you can get free postage (not hard to find) If you can't it gets expensive.
  21. Stephen The link should be there in the first post - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Clear-Jewelry-Suspended-Coins-Floating-Display-Case-Stand-Holder-Box-Easy-Use/352092267124?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  22. Ken Goldstein Well I actually prefer brass brads or pins so they don't scratch the iron - driven in at an angle- but I ran out of the nice soft pins I prefer and the gong board uses the smallest straight cup hooks I could find, brass coated steel. Only part of my collection, about half in kiri boxes and perhaps 10 in the display frames. The taller display cases are good for kozuka (小柄) or kogai (笄) display as well.
  23. I often receive my tsuba purchases without a storage box. This may offend the purists but I refuse to spend more money than the guard is worth on what can be expensive kiri boxes and they dont exactly lend themselves to good display. I came across some clear jewellery cases that are both protective and inexpensive as well as designed for displaying both sides of an object. At first I thought the tsuba metal would 'sweat' being sealed up, but actually the cling film stops any moisture or dust getting in and I have seen no damage at all in four or five years. Various sizes and colours are available but unfortunately some of my really large guards don't fit. I send a link, but check out other related sites because I am not advertsing for any particular manufacturer. I realize this topic has been touched on before but perhaps some newer members are not aware. Also include some standard display boards I made myself. The odd shaped one is based on a Chinese gong shaped tsuba I wish I had (It's a bit too pale for my taste but my wife said she wouldn't let me put up another dark piece of wood!). https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Clear-Jewelry-Suspended-Coins-Floating-Display-Case-Stand-Holder-Box-Easy-Use/352092267124?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  24. Piers D Yes I have two examples of both, rather large for stamps and printed in 'gold' foil (these are stock photos, my examples are mint with no damage). The other design of tachi type I can find no trace of but the image proves they exist - just can't find.
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