i had a bike accident (a dog knocked me to the mat) i have 5 fractures including one at the head of the clavicle my right arm is immobilized so i can't use the mouse and i have to type with one hand so i'll keep a low profile.
Nagasa = 54,5 cm
Sori = 1,3 cm
iori mune
Jigane = very dense ko-itame with many ji nie and chikei.
Hamon = as shown on oshigata. Nioiguchi is bright, wide and clear with much ko-nie. Isolated little tama on both side.
Boshi as shown on oshigata.
Answer next sunday
In my opinion, these topics are pointless because nobody here, least of all me, is qualified to judge what the NBTHK experts think of the quality of this or that sword.
Giordy has part of the answer: the second lies in the way the mi kanji is engraved: for the shodai, the two horizontal strokes are engraved in parallel, whereas for the nidai they are engraved with a slight opening
I must add that it's the proximity of the end of the shinogi and the point of the kissaki that makes me think of a simple shobu-zukuri. A photo of a naginata naoshi has been posted, and it's clear that the shinogi ends far from the point of the kissaki, to avoid breaking the line of the boshi
No, the position does not respect etiquette: the tsuka should be pointing to the left of the smith to show a sign of peace (it is grasped with the right hand).