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Everything posted by Jacques

  1. It's good enough to know Heisenberg's principle, it's not very common. I've checked the author's website. He points out that the shodai probably never put nengo on his nakago. http://www.nihonto-m....com/blog/mino-kinju
  2. The oshigata from the Kokon Meizukushi taizen is said to be a nidai's tanto and no one has ever seen this tanto. Official Japanese literature makes no mention whatsoever of tanto by Kinju with a nengo and authenticated. For me, a blog isn't a reliable source, you can say anything (invoke Heisenberg's principle of indeterminacy about a Norishige tanto, for example). I would add that hamon does not correspond
  3. I spoke about Kinju, no one else.
  4. There is no such thing as a tanto with a nengo.
  5. Kinju blades are extremely rare and are tantos. This is the only example I've found, and it appears in several books.
  6. Thanks, that said i will never buy a gimei, to my eyes a counterfaint is and remains a counterfaint. I've already bought a few blades without papers (some unpolished), none came back to me from BNTHK shinsa being declared gimei... I'll see for Kinju
  7. You do what you want, it's none of my business.
  8. A little correct, In this case, the kanji ichi means item, not one.
  9. I won't get into the debate because I'm not interested in shinsakuto, so I don't know much about it. As for mei, you should know that they are in no way comparable to a handwritten signature. The smith engraves his mei to the exact stroke of the hammer and with great precision, and the changes that can be seen over the course of a career owe nothing to chance. If you're wise, perhaps one day I'll be able to explain these variations to you.
  10. Naotane is one of the best shinshinto swordsmiths. I never talk about price, that's personal business.
  11. Well, when a kissaki is well repaired, it doesn't show at all and especially not on photos.
  12. I disagree. A good polisher would rather leave the defect than transform the shape of the kissaki. The one on the juyo looks very much like an ikubi kissaki 猪首切先 (common for this smith).
  13. No, i had a tachi with a broken chu kissaki, the polisher (Zenon van Damme) returned the sword with the same type of kissaki.
  14. I's a ko-kissaki, and the first quality of a good polisher is not to transform the architecture of a sword: a ko kissaki must remain a ko-kissaki and a chu-kissaki must remain a chu-kissaki.
  15. I don't see anything wrong with this, it's common for the late Kamakura and Nanbokucho period. It's called Hisaki agaru.
  16. Looks uchigatana so it can be late Muromachi.
  17. OK, many thanks.
  18. Thanks Markus So apparently no connection with the Hosokawa school.
  19. Many thanks Steve.
  20. It's just part of life, only dirty mind make a big deal of it.
  21. I've never seen that before : different nengo on the same nakago (due to the quality of pictures i can't make out the entire mei) If someone has an explication https://www.proantic...11440-handashi.html#
  22. You are wrong about my name and it's dishonest to post a name without the owner's consent, which just goes to show what kind of person you are. Having said that, the fact that you have obtained a nyusen does not make you the expert that you proclaim to be and there I take you every morning. By the way, I'm going to ask you a question: what is the characteristic that must be found in the hamon of the nidai Izumi no kami fujiwara Kunisada?
  23. Sukekane 祐包 instead Sukeyoshi
  24. You're lying because in this video you claim to have graduated in Japan, which is false. ps you don't know me but i know you. Thanks Michael for clarification.
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