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Jacques D.

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    Jacques D.

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  1. the first (Omi no kami Tadatsuna) and the last i posted (with the classicla tsuna)
  2. Still no one ? unless three people try, I'll keep the answer to myself.
  3. My bad, i choosed a wrong example which is a later work just before changing his mei to Ikkanshi The correct one
  4. This is the shodai but that's not where the difference lies I put a mei of the nidai so that you can try to find it.
  5. Do you know why you want to buy this sword?
  6. Yes.
  7. No one to try a guess ?
  8. I must add that it's the proximity of the end of the shinogi and the point of the kissaki that makes me think of a simple shobu-zukuri. A photo of a naginata naoshi has been posted, and it's clear that the shinogi ends far from the point of the kissaki, to avoid breaking the line of the boshi
  9. No, the position must be seen from the smith's point of view, so there's nothing to stop him from grabbing the blade and attacking.
  10. No, the position does not respect etiquette: the tsuka should be pointing to the left of the smith to show a sign of peace (it is grasped with the right hand).
  11. The wakizashi is displayed the wrong way..
  12. Yep. Open Nagayama's connoisseur page 53 ... https://ginza.choshu.../001/16_morokage.php
  13. Another mei with the same asking. Which generation ?
  14. Ok, Moriyama san found it, As the chart he posted shows, each generation has its own way of engraving the Tsugu character. ps Sorry for the quality of the photo, I took it a certain time ago and I no longer have access to this sword.
  15. Yasutsugu but which generation ?
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