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Jacques last won the day on November 19 2024

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    Jacques D.

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  1. Yayoi era (started in 300 BC) if i'm not wrong I visited this site many years ago. https://www.yoshinogari.jp/en/
  2. This is one element, but the tsuba is also used to protect against the opponent's blade, which is why it's made of soft metal so it doesn't break. In Katori Shinto ryu, there are several techniques using tsuba.
  3. Most likely. They are minor smiths, so there are no examples of their work in the literature, which makes a declaration of gimei hazardous. That's not to say it's not a gimei, only a shinza shipment will tell, but is it worth it?
  4. I know, but this tsuba has been modified to be mounted on a yari, so it's now a yari tsuba...
  5. there are also tsuba for yari
  6. 越前住宗次 Echizen (no) ju Munetsugu. According to the literature, there are 2 generations working in Kanei (1624/1644) for the shodai, and Kanbun (1661/1673) for the nidai.
  7. All that i can say is that it is impossible to see if this sword was suriage or not without having it in hands. All that you say is pure speculation https://www.nihontom...articles/Suriage.pdf
  8. In science, all it takes is one example to disprove a theory and they are not so rare specially in some schools . Back to the sword in discussion, suriage or not, is has the sugata of a kinnoto (勤王刀).
  9. I often use this one https://www.jishop.com/
  10. Brian How many swords have you actually really held? Ubu nakago (one mekugi ana filled)
  11. Oh, i forgot that https://dictionary.c...onary/english/appear
  12. A picture of the nakago of a showato which was arranged to look far much older (i cleaned the mei) this sword is not suriage in no way just the nakago jiri was cut down and another mekugi-ana was drilled. I've a big doubt about the hi you mentionned
  13. You wrote :"That clearly appears." Don't add dishonesty to your incompetence
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