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0331_usmc last won the day on May 16 2019

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    Anthony Ellis

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  1. Nice little setup Stephen. It looks like a relaxing place to sit.
  2. Its poplar wood and I waxed with ibota which gave it a nice finish.
  3. I have to say that little habaki was hard to make. It is very small. Now it's on to restoring some Japanese kitchen knives. I'll post those when done. Both will get a saya, polished and handles. I had some training for work today, but off again now so finding things to keep busy.
  4. This poor little guy was tired of calling a sock home so made him a new one and habaki while off work.
  5. Dang, that tanto was tempting.
  6. Ken, What a great idea! I will give it a try on the next batch. What does your wife make?
  7. The rash is not fun and lasts over a week. Im free of it now. I wear gloves and wash thoroughly, but still seem to get it.
  8. Latest project is a charcuterie board. Just need to find some meat and cheese now.
  9. Stephen, should we ever meet up I will give you one and buy you a beer!
  10. Finished some more spoons in the fuki technique. They are cherry, walnut or maple and each has 6-8 coats. I am working on serving boards and possibly sword stands and tsuba stands as well. Also, got my first and second urushi rash. Second time was not fun. Luckily, im in healthcare now and a steroid shot shortened my suffering.
  11. No signature, just file marks. I kinda wondered about the polish. Luckily they did not touch the patina on the tang. I wonder if it would be possible to fix the amateur job. I'm sure it wouldn't make much financial sense, but it would look very cool to fix it and display. I imagine most togishi wont touch these.
  12. Not sure if this is the right spot, but picked up this little yanone for $30. Not sure if it is real. Does look old with appropriate patina. Overall length is 22cm and the "blade" is 6cm. Love to hear the thoughts of anyone more experienced.
  13. Very nice work, makes me want to try this. Where did you get your supplies and/or what did you use? When you get done frame it deserves a frame!
  14. I carve spoons amongst other woodworking. This is my first spoon finished with urushi. It was quite a time consuming process, but a lot of fun. May do some larger items if my skill can cope. Appreciate any advice from more experienced tree sap slingers. Oh, and no rash yet.
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