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Everything posted by jlawson

  1. If you are going to be in Tokyo you should really consider attending both of these events. The Cinq event has included some very high quality blades for kantei and a great evening of fun. The Boat trip is just a great time with collectors from all over the world.
  2. The topics change every month. Please reach out to Roger or myself and we can add you to the email list for notifications and information.
  3. Yes we are meeting monthly and have quite a nice group of folks attending. We meet on the first Saturday of the month. Send me or Roger a private message if you would like to be included.
  4. Just a note to the community that Dale Johnston passed on Saturday. Many of you guys knew Dale as he was a regular at shows and we shared a table for many years. Dale was a former pilot in the military and then for Delta. Dale lived in Houston and he had a great collection of Gendaito and was a good friend. He will be missed. RIP Dale.
  5. If you are in the San Antonio, Texas area please feel free to join us for our first meeting Feb 3rd at 3pm. You can send either me or Roger a DM for the location and details etc. Hope we can get some of the Texas collectors to catch on here and make this a regular meeting.
  6. Your link is a link about Dean Hartley and this was not his stuff. This was Mike Quigley's stuff and was a while back.
  7. Fred Weissberg at Nihonto.com has great stuff and it's hard to go wrong there.
  8. We are going to start a San Antonio, Texas area monthly sword club that meets monthly. We will be meeting in San Antonio and welcome everyone from surrounding areas as it has been quite a while since we had a Texas based group. Would love to hear from anyone in the area that would like to meet. We will be starting meetings in December 2023 in downtown San Antonio. The plan is to meet monthly on a specific Saturday but would love to hear thoughts about what might work best for folks. I will be starting this up with (many of you know Roger Robertshaw who is the authority on Hizento) and our intent is on creating a group that educates on Nihonto and Tosogu. Please feel free to reach out to me via Pm or here and we will let everyone know our meeting plans. Thanks.
  9. Fyi this year's DTI will only be on Saturday and Sunday not on Friday as in prior years so only the 18th and 19th.
  10. Peter I am currently on the board and you can PM me if you need help. Alternatively Bob Benson is the current president and you can reach out to him as well via his website.
  11. DTI has been booked for some time and several of us will be there. Nihonto.com has a link that has the details for the show. https://nihonto.com/2022-dti/
  12. If it was already spoken for then it should not have been listed here so probably need to discuss with Peter.
  13. Pm Sent.
  14. Not sure if this is just a duplicate post or looking for something different. Here is a nice Daisho set though. https://www.nihonto.com/11-4-21/
  15. There was one many years ago and Dick was the president at that time. Dick has since moved to Dallas and is really not active in swords anymore. There was also a group that met after that when Dr. Ford moved there but after his death that group disbanded as well. There are several collectors there in Houston still, I have moved to San Antonio so a bit far away for a meeting for me.
  16. Yes this could be although there are also other schools it could be as there are surely in common elements. Truly without a signature since this is not typical I think it would be a tough call and might be unlikely to get a Tanaka Toryusai school paper. My opinion of course.
  17. goes fine if you have all the paperwork correct.
  18. There is room for everyone in the NBTHK-AB in my opinion regardless of whether they are interested in preservation, appreciation, or collecting. The unifying across all is a love for the items and sincere search for knowledge about them. For many of us who are members and even officers of that organization we spend a lot of precious time trying to foster those ideals as unpaid volunteer efforts to try and do everything we can to see this hobby not only survive but thrive.
  19. Peter I disagree with your assessment that it was a failure to USE it. You simply do not know what you are talking about. The event was attended by 90+ people and we did USE it as an education tool to enhance the mission of the NBTHK-AB. Additionally, there were professional photographs taken of several of the items and some of them will be available on the members only section of the NBTHK-AB site. More importantly I have to say I am somewhat disappointed that you think that just because you are a member of the NBTHK-AB that you are entitled for that organization to provide you with photos for an event you did not attend. What I think you fail to understand is that these items were provided as part of personal collections and are not owned in any way by the NBTHK-AB. So ultimately it is up to the owners of the items if they want those photographs published on the internet etc. Let me also remind you that it takes a tremendous amount of work to put on these presentations, not to mention significant cost and risk of damage for items, loss etc so when I see posts like this it is really disappointing to me personally to hear the complaint vs the thanks for going to all the extra work with absolutely no personal benefit. I also want to say these are my personal thoughts and not those of the NBTHK-AB.
  20. Barry the swords were all mumei koto katana and juyo to specific schools. Tegai, Taima, Hosho, Shikkake, Senjuin with multiples of each. One of the juyo hosho was signed but just gold attribution and Hosho likely had other characters removed at some time). One the Shikkake did have a Norinaga attribution on the sayagaki but not on the Juyo Zufu.... Hope that helps.
  21. It will be Saturday as part of the NBTHK-AB exhibits. The time allotment is from 1-3 although there are 2 displays. 1 mentioned above from 1-2pm and the other will be a lecture on Yamato swords where there will be 6 Juyo examples of Yamato swords from the different schools in Yamato from 2-3pm.
  22. Also forgot to mention that I heard from many sellers that there was apparently a bit of pent up demand and lots of activity and sales that occurred. I also heard that the tachi display that Mark did was great although I did not get to attend.
  23. A great job and hats off to Mark for pulling off a show in record time with lots of changing restrictions and guidance. I flew up for the day and saw some friends, bought a couple of things. It was great to get out of the house after a year and interact with sword friends.
  24. I think the one you are referencing Mark is not available on the site because it was sold a little while ago......
  25. Heard this evening that the 2020 DTI has been officially cancelled.
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